bim2sim uses the extensive statistic data in TEASER to enrich the often unknown but required information for construction elements materials, their layered structure and profiles to estimate internal loads in a building based on the usage type of its zones. This enrichment was brought into bim2sim to make it not only available to PluginTEASER but also to PluginEnergyPlus
Use Conditions
We enrich Use Condition data based on DIN V EN 18599-10 (2018-09) and SIA 2024 (2015-10).
The data in UseConditions.json is a mixture of these two standards as some values are only in one of them and some values seem more reliable in one of them.
The data is copied from TEASER and adjusted in some points
(e.g. typical_length
and typical_width
are currently not required for bim2sim).
For further information about the different entries in UseConditions.json and there units, please have a loko at the description of the corresponding attributes of ThermalZone and the original documentation in [TEASER](https://github.com/RWTH-EBC/TEASER/blob/main/teaser/logic/buildingobjects/useconditions.py.
You can also use your own UseConditions data, by using the sim_settings
and prj_custom_usages
. For more information we refer to the description of these sim_settings
Material and layer enrichment
As layerset and material data is nearly always missing, we offer the task EnrichMaterial
to enrich layer and material data by templates based on Tabula and IWU data and data we re-engineered using Ubakus based on requirements from EnEV, KFW and other building requirement standards.
The used templates and data is copied from TEASER. You can currently deactivate the enrichment by not using the EnrichMaterial