
What are aggregations used for?

Aggregations try to reduce the number of elements that will be exported to modelica in a way that the exported elements fit the existing modelica models. For more information have a look at the docs for Hydraulic Network. You can select which aggregations you want to apply in the [workflow_settings_concept](workflow settings). The selected aggregations are called inside the Reduce task.

How are aggregations implemented?

Aggregations are created based the HvacGraph of the hydraulic network. The basic concept is that we are looking for elements which fit the corresponding aggregation Find Matches.

Find Matches

The find_matches method is used to identify the corresponding aggregation inside the given HvacGraph. It returns a subgraph that holds only the elements that are part of the aggregation.

Get Edge Ports

The get_edge_ports method returns the “most outer ports” of the aggregation. These are the ports that are connection the subgraph of the aggregation with the rest of the HvacGraph.


The get_replacement_mapping method creates a mapping dict that holds the information which ports in the HvacGraph should be deleted and which ones should be replaced by the new ports of the aggregation.

Merge graph

Finaly the merge method of the HvacGraph is called and uses the found matches in form of the subgraphs from find_matches and the mapping table from get_replacement_mapping to adjust the input the aggregation into the HvacGraph.


Currently, we follow a common guideline but the aggregations are still very different in the way they are implemented. We want to improve this in the feature to increase readability, modularity, maintainability and reusability. If you want to help us, everything related is documented in issue #243. # TODO GITHUB LINK

What aggregations exist currently:

Currently, we implemented the following aggregations, please have a look at the corresponding documentation for more details.