bim2sim.elements package

Package containing - classes to represent IFC elements simulation domain and tool independent - logic to convert IFC elements into these classes and gather all relevant information



bim2sim.elements.base_elements module

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Dummy(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ProductBased

Dummy for all unknown elements

property ifc_type
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcElementProxy': ['*']}
key: str = 'GENERAL-Dummy'
class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Element(guid=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Most basic class

calc_orientation() array

Returns position (calculation may be expensive)

calc_position() array

Returns position (calculation may be expensive)

classmethod full_reset()
static get_id(prefix='')
static get_object(guid)

Get Element object instance with given guid


None if object with guid was not instanciated

classmethod get_pending_attribute_decisions(elements: Iterable[Element]) DecisionBunch

Get all requested decisions of attributes and functions of attributes to afterwards calculate said attribute.

all decisions related to given elements are yielded. all attributes functions are used to calculate the remaining attributes

guid_prefix = ''
property orientation: array
property position: array

Position calculated only once by calling calc_position

request(name, external_decision: Decision | None = None) None | Decision

Request the elements attribute.


name: Name of attribute external_decision: Decision to use instead of default decision

source_info() str

Get informative string about source of Element.

validate_attributes() dict

Check if attributes are valid

validate_creation() bool

Check if current instance is valid

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.ElementEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)

Bases: JSONEncoder

Encoder class for Element


Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
exception bim2sim.elements.base_elements.ElementError

Bases: Exception

Error in Element

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Factory(relevant_elements: set[~bim2sim.elements.base_elements.ProductBased], ifc_units: dict, ifc_domain: ~bim2sim.utilities.types.IFCDomain, finder: ~bim2sim.elements.mapping.finder.TemplateFinder | None = None, dummy=<class 'bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Dummy'>)

Bases: object

Element Factory for :class: ProductBased

To understand the concept of the factory class, we refer to this article:


factory = Factory([Pipe, Boiler], dummy) ele = factory(some_ifc_element)

create(element_cls, ifc_entity, *args, **kwargs)

Create Element from class and ifc

static create_ifc_mapping(elements: Iterable) Tuple[Dict[Tuple[str, str], ProductBased], List[Tuple[str, ProductBased]], Dict[str, ProductBased]]

Create mapping dict, blacklist and default dict from elements

WARNING: ifc_type is always converted to lower case and predefined types to upper case


mapping: dict of ifc_type and predefined_type to element class blacklist: list of ifc_type which will not be taken into account default: dict of ifc_type to element class

get_element(ifc_type: str, predefined_type: str | None) ProductBased | None

Get element class by ifc type and predefined type

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.IFCBased(*args, ifc=None, finder: TemplateFinder | None = None, ifc_units: dict | None = None, ifc_domain: IFCDomain | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: Element

Element with instantiation from ifc and related methods.

Attributes: ifc: IfcOpenShell element instance ifc_types: Dict with ifc_type as key and list of predifined types that fit to the class as values. Special values for predifined types:

‘*’ all which are not overwritten in other classes predfined types. ‘-Something’ start with minus to exclude

For example: {‘IfcSlab’: [‘*’, ‘-SomethingSpecialWeDontWant’, ‘BASESLAB’]} {‘IfcRoof’: [‘FLAT_ROOF’, ‘SHED_ROOF’,…],

‘IfcSlab’: [‘ROOF’]}

calc_orientation() array

Tries to calculate the orientation of based on DirectionRatio.

This generic orientation calculation uses the DirectionRatios which in most cases return the correct orientation of the element. But this depends on the modeller and the BIM author software and is not failsafe. Orientation is mostly important for BPSProducts where we can use Space Boundaries for failsafe orientation calculation.


Orientation angle between 0 and 360. (0 : north, 90: east, 180: south, 270: west)


returns absolute position

classmethod filter_for_text_fragments(ifc_element, ifc_units: dict, optional_locations: list | None = None)

Filter for text fragments in the ifc_element to identify the ifc_element.


filter all properties by re pattern


list of tuple(propertyset_name, property_name, match_graph)

classmethod from_ifc(ifc, *args, **kwargs)

Factory method to create instance from ifc

get_exact_property(propertyset_name: str, property_name: str)

Returns value of property specified by propertyset name and property name


AttributeError if property does not exist


Fetches non-empty attributes (if they exist).

classmethod ifc2args(ifc) Tuple[tuple, dict]

Extract init args and kwargs from ifc

property ifc_type
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = None

Generator yielding tuples of PropertySet name and Property name

property name
pattern_ifc_type = []
classmethod pre_validate(ifc) bool

Check if ifc meets conditions to create element from it


Search for property in all related properties in hierarchical order.

  1. element’s propertysets

  2. element type’s propertysets

select_from_potential_properties(patterns, name, collect_decisions)

Ask user to select from all properties matching patterns

source_info() str

Get informative string about source of Element.

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Material(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ProductBased

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>, <bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>, <bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>, <bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>, <bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

static get_id(prefix='')
guid_prefix = 'Material_'
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcMaterial': ['*']}
key: str = 'GENERAL-Material'
name = ''

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

exception bim2sim.elements.base_elements.NoValueError

Bases: ElementError

Value is not available

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Port(parent, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: RelationBased

Basic port


Connect this interface bidirectional to another interface


remove connection between self and other port


Returns truth value of port’s connection

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.ProductBased(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: IFCBased

Elements based on IFC products.


material: material of the element material_set: dict of material and fraction [0, 1] if multiple materials

calc_cost_group() int | None

Calculate the cost group according to DIN276

conditions = []
property cost_group: int
domain = 'GENERAL'
get_better_subclass() None | Type[IFCBased]

Returns alternative subclass of current object. CAUTION: only use this if you can’t know the result before instantiation

of base class


object: subclass of ProductBased or None

key: str = ''
key_map: Dict[str, Type[ProductBased]] = {'BPS-AggregatedThermalZone': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.AggregatedThermalZone'>, 'BPS-BPSProduct': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.BPSProduct'>, 'BPS-BPSProductWithLayers': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.BPSProductWithLayers'>, 'BPS-Building': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Building'>, 'BPS-Door': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Door'>, 'BPS-ExternalSpatialElement': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.ExternalSpatialElement'>, 'BPS-GroundFloor': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.GroundFloor'>, 'BPS-GroundFloorDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.GroundFloorDisaggregated'>, 'BPS-InnerDoor': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.InnerDoor'>, 'BPS-InnerDoorDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.InnerDoorDisaggregated'>, 'BPS-InnerFloor': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.InnerFloor'>, 'BPS-InnerFloorDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.InnerFloorDisaggregated'>, 'BPS-InnerWall': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.InnerWall'>, 'BPS-InnerWallDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.InnerWallDisaggregated'>, 'BPS-Layer': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Layer'>, 'BPS-LayerSet': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.LayerSet'>, 'BPS-OuterDoor': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.OuterDoor'>, 'BPS-OuterDoorDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.OuterDoorDisaggregated'>, 'BPS-OuterWall': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.OuterWall'>, 'BPS-OuterWallDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.OuterWallDisaggregated'>, 'BPS-Roof': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Roof'>, 'BPS-RoofDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.RoofDisaggregated'>, 'BPS-Site': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Site'>, 'BPS-Slab': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Slab'>, 'BPS-SpaceBoundaryRepresentation': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.SpaceBoundaryRepresentation'>, 'BPS-Storey': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Storey'>, 'BPS-ThermalZone': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.ThermalZone'>, 'BPS-Wall': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Wall'>, 'BPS-Window': <class 'bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Window'>, 'BPS-WindowDisaggregated': <class 'bim2sim.elements.aggregation.bps_aggregations.WindowDisaggregated'>, 'GENERAL-Dummy': <class 'bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Dummy'>, 'GENERAL-Material': <class 'bim2sim.elements.base_elements.Material'>, 'HVAC-AirTerminal': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.AirTerminal'>, 'HVAC-Boiler': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Boiler'>, 'HVAC-CHP': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.CHP'>, 'HVAC-Chiller': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Chiller'>, 'HVAC-CoolingTower': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.CoolingTower'>, 'HVAC-Distributor': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Distributor'>, 'HVAC-Duct': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Duct'>, 'HVAC-DuctFitting': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.DuctFitting'>, 'HVAC-ExpansionTank': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.ExpansionTank'>, 'HVAC-HVACProduct': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.HVACProduct'>, 'HVAC-HeatExchanger': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.HeatExchanger'>, 'HVAC-HeatPump': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.HeatPump'>, 'HVAC-Junction': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Junction'>, 'HVAC-Medium': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Medium'>, 'HVAC-Pipe': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Pipe'>, 'HVAC-PipeFitting': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.PipeFitting'>, 'HVAC-Pump': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Pump'>, 'HVAC-SpaceHeater': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.SpaceHeater'>, 'HVAC-Storage': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Storage'>, 'HVAC-ThreeWayValve': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.ThreeWayValve'>, 'HVAC-Valve': <class 'bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Valve'>}
property neighbors

Directly connected elements

validate_attributes() dict

Check if all attributes are valid, returns dict with key = attribute and value = True or False


“Validate the element creation in two steps. 1. Check if standard parameter are in valid range. 2. Check if number of ports are equal to number of expected ports (only for HVAC).

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.RelationBased(*args, ifc=None, finder: TemplateFinder | None = None, ifc_units: dict | None = None, ifc_domain: IFCDomain | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: IFCBased

class bim2sim.elements.base_elements.SerializedElement(element)

Bases: object

Serialized version of an element.

This is a workaround as we can’t serialize elements due to the usage of IfcOpenShell which uses unpickable swigPy objects. We just store the most important information which are guid, element_type, storeys, aggregated elements and the attributes from the attribute system.

static is_picklable(value: Any) bool

Determines if a given value is picklable.

This method attempts to serialize the provided value using the pickle module. If the value can be successfully serialized, it is considered picklable.


value (Any): The value to be tested for picklability.


bool: True if the value is picklable, False otherwise.

bim2sim.elements.bps_elements module

Module contains the different classes for all HVAC elements

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.BPSProduct(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ProductBased

calc_cost_group() int

Default cost group for building elements is 300

calc_orientation() float

Calculate the orientation of the bps product based on SB direction.

For buildings elements we can use the more reliable space boundaries normal vector to calculate the orientation if the space boundaries exists. Otherwise the base calc_orientation of IFCBased will be used.


Orientation angle between 0 and 360. (0 : north, 90: east, 180: south, 270: west)

domain = 'BPS'
get_bound_area(name) Quantity

get gross bound area (including opening areas) of the element

get_net_bound_area(name) Quantity

get net area (including opening areas) of the element


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

static group_orientation(orientations: list)
property is_external: bool

Checks if the corresponding element has contact with external environment (e.g. ground, roof, wall)

key: str = 'BPS-BPSProduct'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property opening_area

get sum of opening areas of the element

property sbs_without_corresponding

get a list with only not duplicated space boundaries

property volume
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.BPSProductWithLayers(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct


calculate the total thickness of the product based on the thickness of each layer.


wall get_u_value function

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
key: str = 'BPS-BPSProductWithLayers'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Building(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]
from_ifc_domains = [IFCDomain.arch]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcBuilding': ['*']}
key: str = 'BPS-Building'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Door(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProductWithLayers

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]

Returns alternative subclass of current object. CAUTION: only use this if you can’t know the result before instantiation

of base class


object: subclass of ProductBased or None


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcDoor': ['*', 'DOOR', 'GATE', 'TRAPDOOR']}

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

key: str = 'BPS-Door'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Door', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Tuer', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.ExtSpatialSpaceBoundary(*args, elements: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: SpaceBoundary

describes all space boundaries related to an IfcExternalSpatialElement instead of an IfcSpace

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.ExternalSpatialElement(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ThermalZone

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcExternalSpatialElement': ['*']}
key: str = 'BPS-ExternalSpatialElement'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.GroundFloor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Slab

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for groundfloors

groundfloors: 322

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcSlab': ['BASESLAB']}
is_external = True
key: str = 'BPS-GroundFloor'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.InnerDoor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Door

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for Innerdoors

Inner door: 344

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
key: str = 'BPS-InnerDoor'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.InnerFloor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Slab

In bim2sim we handle all inner slabs as floors/inner floors.

Orientation of layerset is layer 0 is inside (floor surface of this room),

layer n is outside (ceiling surface of room below).

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for Floors

Floor: 351

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcSlab': ['FLOOR']}
key: str = 'BPS-InnerFloor'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.InnerWall(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Wall

InnerWalls are assumed to be always symmetric.

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for InnerWall

Load bearing inner walls: 341 Not load bearing inner walls: 342 Rest: 340

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
key: str = 'BPS-InnerWall'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Layer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct

Represents the IfcMaterialLayer class.

property category

needs usage. This can be one of [LoadBearing, Insulation, Inner finish, Outer finish] due to IFC4_1 schema.

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]
property description
static get_id(prefix='')

layer thickness function

guid_prefix = 'Layer_'
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcMaterialLayer': ['*']}
property is_ventilated
key: str = 'BPS-Layer'
classmethod pre_validate(ifc) bool

Check if ifc meets conditions to create element from it


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

validate_creation() bool

“Validate the element creation in two steps. 1. Check if standard parameter are in valid range. 2. Check if number of ports are equal to number of expected ports (only for HVAC).

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.LayerSet(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct

Represents a Layerset in bim2sim.

Convention in bim2sim for layerset is layer 0 is inside,

layer n is outside.

# TODO: when not enriching we currently don’t check layer orientation.

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.ListCondition object>, <bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.ThicknessCondition object>]
static get_id(prefix='')
guid_prefix = 'LayerSet_'
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcMaterialLayerSet': ['*']}
key: str = 'BPS-LayerSet'
property name

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property volume
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.OuterDoor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Door

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for Outerdoors

Outer door: 334

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
key: str = 'BPS-OuterDoor'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.OuterWall(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Wall

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for OuterWall

Load bearing outer walls: 331 Not load bearing outer walls: 332 Rest: 330

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
key: str = 'BPS-OuterWall'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Roof(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Slab

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for Roofs

Load bearing: 361 Not load bearing: 363

is_external = True
key: str = 'BPS-Roof'
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Site(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcSite': ['*']}
key: str = 'BPS-Site'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Slab(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProductWithLayers


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcSlab': ['*', 'LANDING']}

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

key: str = 'BPS-Slab'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property orientation: float

Returns the orientation of the slab


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.SpaceBoundary(*args, elements: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: RelationBased

property bound_area: Quantity
property bound_center
property bound_neighbors: list

returns the neighbors of the spaceboundary

property bound_normal

This function returns the normal vector of the spaceboundary

property bound_shape

calculates the orientation of the spaceboundary, using the relative position of resultant disaggregation


calculates the position of the spaceboundary, using the relative position of resultant disaggregation


This function returns the face normal of the boundary pointing outwarts the center of the space. Additionally, the area of the boundary is computed :return: face normal (gp_XYZ)

get_bound_area() Quantity

compute area of a space boundary


compute center of the bounding box of a space boundary

get_level_description(name) str

This function returns the level description of the spaceboundary


transform TOPODS_Shape of each space boundary to correct position

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcRelSpaceBoundary': ['*']}
property internal_external_type
property is_external: bool

This function returns True if the spaceboundary is external


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

static move_bound_in_direction_of_normal(shape, normal, move_dist, reversed=False)
property net_bound_area

This function returns the net bound area of the spaceboundary

property opening_area

This function returns the opening area of the spaceboundary

property opening_bounds

This function returns the opening bounds of the spaceboundary

property parent_bound

This function returns the parent bound of the space boundary. Only available for space boundary of openings. The parent boundary of an opening boundary is the boundary of the wall which surrounds the opening.

property physical: bool

This function returns True if the spaceboundary is physical

classmethod pre_validate(ifc) bool

Check if ifc meets conditions to create element from it

property related_adb_bound
property related_bound

Get corresponding space boundary in another space, ensuring that corresponding space boundaries have a matching number of vertices.

property storeys: list

This function returns the storeys associated to the spaceboundary

property top_bottom

This function computes, if the center of a space boundary is below (bottom) or above (top) the center of a space. This function is used to distinguish floors and ceilings (IfcSlab).

If the SB is vertical (Walls etc.) VERTICAL will be returned. :return: top_bottom (“TOP”, “BOTTOM”, “VERTICAL”)

validate_creation() bool

Check if current instance is valid

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.SpaceBoundary2B(*args, elements=None, **kwargs)

Bases: SpaceBoundary

describes all newly created space boundaries of type 2b to fill gaps within spaces

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.SpaceBoundaryRepresentation(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct

describes the geometric representation of space boundaries which are created by the webtool to allow the

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXY': ['USERDEFINED']}
key: str = 'BPS-SpaceBoundaryRepresentation'
pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('ProxyBound', re.IGNORECASE)]
class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Storey(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

from_ifc_domains = [IFCDomain.arch]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcBuildingStorey': ['*']}
key: str = 'BPS-Storey'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.ThermalZone(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property external_orientation: str

determines the orientation of the thermal zone based on its elements it can be a corner (list of 2 angles) or an edge (1 angle)


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property footprint_shape

This function returns the footprint of a space shape. This can be used e.g., to visualize floor plans.


Get bound floor area of zone. This is currently set by sum of all horizontal gross area and take half of it due to issues with TOP BOTTOM


Get net bound floor area of zone. This is currently set by sum of all horizontal net area and take half of it due to issues with TOP BOTTOM.


This function returns the volume of a space shape


This function returns the volume of a space geometrically

property glass_percentage: float

determines the glass area/facade area ratio for all the windows in the space in one of the 4 following ranges 0%-30%: 15 30%-50%: 40 50%-70%: 60 70%-100%: 85


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property horizontal_sbs

get all horizonal SBs in a zone and convert them into a dict with key z-height in room and the SB as value.

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcSpace': ['*', 'SPACE', 'PARKING', 'GFA', 'INTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL']}

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property is_external: bool

determines if a thermal zone is external or internal based on the presence of outer walls

key: str = 'BPS-ThermalZone'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property outer_walls: list

List of all outer wall elements bounded to the thermal zone

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Space', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Zone', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property space_center

This function returns the center of the bounding box of an ifc space shape :return: center of space bounding box (gp_Pnt)

property space_neighbors

determines the neighbors of the thermal zone

property space_shape

returns topods shape of the IfcSpace


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property windows: list

List of all window elements bounded to the thermal zone


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Wall(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProductWithLayers

Abstract wall class, only its subclasses Inner- and Outerwalls are used.

Every element where self.is_external is not True, is an InnerWall.

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>, <bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.UValueCondition object>]

Returns alternative subclass of current object. CAUTION: only use this if you can’t know the result before instantiation

of base class


object: subclass of ProductBased or None


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

key: str = 'BPS-Wall'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Wall', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Wand', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.bps_elements.Window(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BPSProductWithLayers


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

calc_cost_group() int

Calc cost group for Windows

Outer door: 334


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


returns only the glazing area of the windows


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcWindow': ['*', 'WINDOW', 'SKYLIGHT', 'LIGHTDOME']}

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

key: str = 'BPS-Window'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Window', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Fenster', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


alias of Window

bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements module

Module contains the different classes for all HVAC elements

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.AirTerminal(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcAirTerminal': ['*', 'DIFFUSER', 'GRILLE', 'LOUVRE', 'REGISTER']}
key: str = 'HVAC-AirTerminal'
pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Air.?terminal', re.IGNORECASE)]
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Boiler(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Returns inner connections of Element.

By default each port is connected to each other port. Overwrite for other connections.

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcBoiler': ['*', 'WATER', 'STEAM']}

Boiler is a generator function.

key: str = 'HVAC-Boiler'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Kessel', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Boiler', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.CHP(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcElectricGenerator': ['CHP']}
key: str = 'HVAC-CHP'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Chiller(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct



Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcChiller': ['*', 'AIRCOOLED', 'WATERCOOLED', 'HEATRECOVERY']}
key: str = 'HVAC-Chiller'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Chiller', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('K(ä|ae)lte.?maschine', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.CoolingTower(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct



Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcCoolingTower': ['*', 'NATURALDRAFT', 'MECHANICALINDUCEDDRAFT', 'MECHANICALFORCEDDRAFT']}
key: str = 'HVAC-CoolingTower'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Cooling.?Tower', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Recooling.?Plant', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('K(ü|ue)hl.?turm', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('R(ü|ue)ck.?K(ü|ue)hl.?(werk|turm|er)', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('RKA', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Distributor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcDistributionChamberElement': ['*', 'FORMEDDUCT', 'INSPECTIONCHAMBER', 'INSPECTIONPIT', 'MANHOLE', 'METERCHAMBER', 'SUMP', 'TRENCH', 'VALVECHAMBER'], 'IfcPipeFitting': ['NOTDEFINED', 'USERDEFINED']}
key: str = 'HVAC-Distributor'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Distribution.?chamber', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Distributor', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Verteiler', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Duct(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcDuctSegment': ['*', 'RIGIDSEGMENT', 'FLEXIBLESEGMENT']}
key: str = 'HVAC-Duct'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Duct.?segment', re.IGNORECASE)]
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.DuctFitting(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcDuctFitting': ['*', 'BEND', 'CONNECTOR', 'ENTRY', 'EXIT', 'JUNCTION', 'OBSTRUCTION', 'TRANSITION']}
key: str = 'HVAC-DuctFitting'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Duct.?fitting', re.IGNORECASE)]
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.ExpansionTank(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcTank': ['BREAKPRESSURE', 'EXPANSION', 'FEEDANDEXPANSION']}
key: str = 'HVAC-ExpansionTank'
pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Expansion.?Tank', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Ausdehnungs.?gef(ä|ae)(ss|ß)', re.IGNORECASE)]
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.HVACPort(*args, groups: Set | None = None, flow_direction: int = 0, **kwargs)

Bases: Port

Port of HVACProduct.

calc_position() array

returns absolute position as np.array


Check groups for hints of flow_side and returns flow_side if hints are definitely

property flow_direction

Flow direction of port

-1 = medium flows into port 1 = medium flows out of port 0 = medium flow undirected None = flow direction unknown

property flow_master

Lock flow direction for port

property flow_side

Flow side of port.

1 = supply flow (Vorlauf) -1 = return flow (Rücklauf) 0 = unknown

classmethod ifc2args(ifc) Tuple[tuple, dict]

Extract init args and kwargs from ifc

classmethod pre_validate(ifc) bool

Check if ifc meets conditions to create element from it

rl_pattern = re.compile('.*rücklauf.*', re.IGNORECASE)
validate_creation() bool

Check if current instance is valid

property verbose_flow_direction

Flow direction of port

property verbose_flow_side
vl_pattern = re.compile('.*vorlauf.*', re.IGNORECASE)
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.HVACProduct(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ProductBased

calc_cost_group() [<class 'int'>]

Default cost group for HVAC elements is 400

decide_inner_connections() Generator[DecisionBunch, None, None]

Generator method yielding decisions to set inner connections.

domain = 'HVAC'
property expected_hvac_ports
get_inner_connections() List[Tuple[HVACPort, HVACPort]]

Returns inner connections of Element.

By default each port is connected to each other port. Overwrite for other connections.

get_ports() list

Returns a list of ports of this product.

key: str = 'HVAC-HVACProduct'
property volume
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.HeatExchanger(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

“Heat exchanger


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcHeatExchanger': ['*', 'PLATE', 'SHELLANDTUBE']}
key: str = 'HVAC-HeatExchanger'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Heat.?Exchanger', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('W(ä|ae)rme.?(ü|e)bertrager', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('W(ä|ae)rme.?tauscher', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.HeatPump(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct



Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcUnitaryEquipment': ['*']}
key: str = 'HVAC-HeatPump'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Heat.?pump', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('W(ä|ae)rme.?pumpe', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Junction(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: PipeFitting

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcPipeFitting': ['JUNCTION']}
key: str = 'HVAC-Junction'
pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('T-St(ü|ue)ck', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('T-Piece', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Kreuzst(ü|ue)ck', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Medium(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcDistributionSystem': ['*']}
key: str = 'HVAC-Medium'
pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Medium', re.IGNORECASE)]
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Pipe(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
static get_lenght_from_shape(ifc_representation)

Search for extruded depth in representations

Warning: Found extrusion may net be the required length! :raises: AttributeError if not exactly one extrusion is found

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcPipeSegment': ['*', 'CULVERT', 'FLEXIBLESEGMENT', 'RIGIDSEGMENT', 'GUTTER', 'SPOOL']}

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

key: str = 'HVAC-Pipe'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.PipeFitting(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
get_better_subclass() None | Type[IFCBased]

Returns alternative subclass of current object. CAUTION: only use this if you can’t know the result before instantiation

of base class


object: subclass of ProductBased or None

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcPipeFitting': ['*', 'BEND', 'CONNECTOR', 'ENTRY', 'EXIT', 'JUNCTION', 'OBSTRUCTION', 'TRANSITION']}
key: str = 'HVAC-PipeFitting'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Bogen', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Bend', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Pump(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
key: str = 'HVAC-Pump'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Pumpe', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Pump', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.SpaceHeater(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcSpaceHeater': ['*', 'CONVECTOR', 'RADIATOR']}
key: str = 'HVAC-SpaceHeater'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Heizk(ö|oe)rper', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Space.?heater', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Storage(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcTank': ['*', 'BASIN', 'STORAGE', 'VESSEL']}
key: str = 'HVAC-Storage'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Speicher', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Puffer.?speicher', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Trinkwarmwasser.?speicher', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Trinkwarmwasser.?speicher', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('storage', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.ThreeWayValve(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Valve

property expected_hvac_ports
ifc_types: Dict[str, List[str]] = {'IfcValve': ['MIXING']}
key: str = 'HVAC-ThreeWayValve'
pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('3-Wege.*?ventil', re.IGNORECASE)]
class bim2sim.elements.hvac_elements.Valve(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HVACProduct

conditions = [<bim2sim.elements.mapping.condition.RangeCondition object>]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

property expected_hvac_ports
key: str = 'HVAC-Valve'

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on

pattern_ifc_type = [re.compile('Valve', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Drossel', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile('Ventil', re.IGNORECASE)]

Descriptor of element attribute to get its value from various sources.

value and status of attribute are stored in __dict__ of bound instance. Possible statuses are:

UNKNOWN: default status at the beginning. REQUESTED: Attribute was already requested via a decision??. AVAILABLE: Attribute exists and is available. NOT_AVAILABLE: No way was found to obtain the attributes value.

To find more about Descriptor objects follow the explanations on


alias of Valve
