The TEASER Plugin is one the two currently implemented Plugins for building performance simulation (BPS). It uses the open source tool TEASER as backend to export Modelica simulation models based on the input IFC data. For a detailed insight how TEASER works please have a look at the documentation of TEASER. The exported simulation models can be simulated using the open source library AixLib. Following you will find some information how TEASER addresses the challenges of automated building simulation.

How to install?

Step by step

To install PluginTEASER: you need to do the following (in the root directory of the repo, here is the pyproject.toml file)

pip install -e '.[PluginTEASER]'

The bim2sim core installation needs to be done before.

Test install

Structure of the plugin

The following figure shows the structure of the TEASER plugin. Here you see which tasks are used and how they are combined.

flowchart TB subgraph taskLoadIFC["task LoadIFC"] subgraph "" tLoadIFC["bim2sim > tasks > common > LoadIFC"] extLoadIFC(" Load all IFC files from PROJECT. " ) end stateLoadIFC[("state (reads/touches)")] tLoadIFC -- ifc_files --> stateLoadIFC end subgraph taskCheckIfc["task CheckIfc"] subgraph "" tCheckIfc["bim2sim > tasks > common > CheckIfc"] extCheckIfc(" Check an IFC file, for a number of conditions (missing information, incorrect information, etc) that could lead on future tasks to fatal errors. " ) end stateCheckIfc[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCheckIfc -- ifc_files --> tCheckIfc direction RL end subgraph taskCreateElements["task CreateElements"] subgraph "" tCreateElements["bim2sim > tasks > common > CreateElements"] extCreateElements(" Create bim2sim elements based on information in IFC. " ) end stateCreateElements[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateElements -- ifc_files --> tCreateElements tCreateElements -- elements, ifc_files --> stateCreateElements end subgraph taskCreateSpaceBoundaries["task CreateSpaceBoundaries"] subgraph "" tCreateSpaceBoundaries["bim2sim > tasks > bps > CreateSpaceBoundaries"] extCreateSpaceBoundaries(" Create space boundary elements from ifc. " ) end stateCreateSpaceBoundaries[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateSpaceBoundaries -- ifc_files, elements --> tCreateSpaceBoundaries tCreateSpaceBoundaries -- space_boundaries --> stateCreateSpaceBoundaries end subgraph taskCorrectSpaceBoundaries["task CorrectSpaceBoundaries"] subgraph "" tCorrectSpaceBoundaries["bim2sim > tasks > bps > CorrectSpaceBoundaries"] extCorrectSpaceBoundaries(" Advanced geometric preprocessing for Space Boundaries. " ) end stateCorrectSpaceBoundaries[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCorrectSpaceBoundaries -- elements, space_boundaries --> tCorrectSpaceBoundaries direction RL end subgraph taskAddSpaceBoundaries2B["task AddSpaceBoundaries2B"] subgraph "" tAddSpaceBoundaries2B["bim2sim > tasks > bps > AddSpaceBoundaries2B"] extAddSpaceBoundaries2B(" Fill gaps in set of space boundary per space with 2B space boundaries. " ) end stateAddSpaceBoundaries2B[("state (reads/touches)")] stateAddSpaceBoundaries2B -- elements --> tAddSpaceBoundaries2B tAddSpaceBoundaries2B -- elements --> stateAddSpaceBoundaries2B end subgraph taskFilterTZ["task FilterTZ"] subgraph "" tFilterTZ["bim2sim > tasks > bps > FilterTZ"] extFilterTZ(" Filters the thermal zones for later usage and stores them in state. " ) end stateFilterTZ[("state (reads/touches)")] stateFilterTZ -- elements --> tFilterTZ tFilterTZ -- tz_elements --> stateFilterTZ end subgraph taskBindStoreys["task BindStoreys"] subgraph "" tBindStoreys["bim2sim > tasks > common > BindStoreys"] extBindStoreys(" None. " ) end stateBindStoreys[("state (reads/touches)")] stateBindStoreys -- elements --> tBindStoreys tBindStoreys -- elements --> stateBindStoreys end subgraph taskEnrichUseConditions["task EnrichUseConditions"] subgraph "" tEnrichUseConditions["bim2sim > tasks > bps > EnrichUseConditions"] extEnrichUseConditions(" Enriches Use Conditions of thermal zones based on decisions and translation of zone names. " ) end stateEnrichUseConditions[("state (reads/touches)")] stateEnrichUseConditions -- tz_elements --> tEnrichUseConditions tEnrichUseConditions -- enriched_tz --> stateEnrichUseConditions end subgraph taskVerifyLayersMaterials["task VerifyLayersMaterials"] subgraph "" tVerifyLayersMaterials["bim2sim > tasks > bps > VerifyLayersMaterials"] extVerifyLayersMaterials(" Verifies if layers and materials and their properties are meaningful. " ) end stateVerifyLayersMaterials[("state (reads/touches)")] stateVerifyLayersMaterials -- elements --> tVerifyLayersMaterials tVerifyLayersMaterials -- invalid --> stateVerifyLayersMaterials end subgraph taskEnrichMaterial["task EnrichMaterial"] subgraph "" tEnrichMaterial["bim2sim > tasks > bps > EnrichMaterial"] extEnrichMaterial(" Enriches material properties that were recognized as invalid LOD. " ) end stateEnrichMaterial[("state (reads/touches)")] stateEnrichMaterial -- elements, invalid --> tEnrichMaterial tEnrichMaterial -- elements --> stateEnrichMaterial end subgraph taskDisaggregationCreation["task DisaggregationCreation"] subgraph "" tDisaggregationCreation["bim2sim > tasks > bps > DisaggregationCreation"] extDisaggregationCreation(" Disaggregates building elements based on their space boundaries. " ) end stateDisaggregationCreation[("state (reads/touches)")] stateDisaggregationCreation -- elements --> tDisaggregationCreation tDisaggregationCreation -- disaggregations --> stateDisaggregationCreation end subgraph taskCombineThermalZones["task CombineThermalZones"] subgraph "" tCombineThermalZones["bim2sim > tasks > bps > CombineThermalZones"] extCombineThermalZones(" Combine thermal zones to reduce the amount of thermal zones. " ) end stateCombineThermalZones[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCombineThermalZones -- tz_elements, elements --> tCombineThermalZones tCombineThermalZones -- bounded_tz --> stateCombineThermalZones end subgraph taskWeather["task Weather"] subgraph "" tWeather["bim2sim > tasks > common > Weather"] extWeather(" Task to get the weather file for later simulation. " ) end stateWeather[("state (reads/touches)")] stateWeather -- elements --> tWeather tWeather -- weather_file --> stateWeather end subgraph taskLoadLibrariesTEASER["task LoadLibrariesTEASER"] subgraph "" tLoadLibrariesTEASER[" LoadLibrariesTEASER"] extLoadLibrariesTEASER(" Load AixLib library for export. " ) end stateLoadLibrariesTEASER[("state (reads/touches)")] tLoadLibrariesTEASER -- libraries --> stateLoadLibrariesTEASER end subgraph taskCreateTEASER["task CreateTEASER"] subgraph "" tCreateTEASER["bim2sim > plugins > PluginTEASER > bim2sim_teaser > task > CreateTEASER"] extCreateTEASER(" Creates a TEASER project by using the found information from IFC. " ) end stateCreateTEASER[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateTEASER -- libraries, elements, weather_file --> tCreateTEASER tCreateTEASER -- teaser_prj, bldg_names, orig_heat_loads, orig_cool_loads, tz_mapping --> stateCreateTEASER end subgraph taskSerializeElements["task SerializeElements"] subgraph "" tSerializeElements["bim2sim > tasks > common > SerializeElements"] extSerializeElements(" Serialize element structure, run() method holds detailed information. " ) end stateSerializeElements[("state (reads/touches)")] stateSerializeElements -- elements, space_boundaries, tz_elements --> tSerializeElements tSerializeElements -- serialized_elements --> stateSerializeElements end subgraph taskExportTEASER["task ExportTEASER"] subgraph "" tExportTEASER["bim2sim > plugins > PluginTEASER > bim2sim_teaser > task > ExportTEASER"] extExportTEASER(" Exports the previous created TEASER project to Modelica. " ) end stateExportTEASER[("state (reads/touches)")] stateExportTEASER -- teaser_prj --> tExportTEASER tExportTEASER -- teaser_prj --> stateExportTEASER end subgraph taskSimulateModelEBCPy["task SimulateModelEBCPy"] subgraph "" tSimulateModelEBCPy["bim2sim > plugins > PluginTEASER > bim2sim_teaser > task > SimulateModelEBCPy"] extSimulateModelEBCPy(" None. " ) end stateSimulateModelEBCPy[("state (reads/touches)")] stateSimulateModelEBCPy -- bldg_names --> tSimulateModelEBCPy tSimulateModelEBCPy -- teaser_mat_result_paths, sim_results_path --> stateSimulateModelEBCPy end subgraph taskCreateResultDF["task CreateResultDF"] subgraph "" tCreateResultDF["bim2sim > plugins > PluginTEASER > bim2sim_teaser > task > CreateResultDF"] extCreateResultDF(" This ITask creates a result dataframe for TEASER BEPS simulations. " ) end stateCreateResultDF[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateResultDF -- teaser_mat_result_paths, sim_results_path, tz_mapping --> tCreateResultDF tCreateResultDF -- df_finals --> stateCreateResultDF end subgraph taskPlotBEPSResults["task PlotBEPSResults"] subgraph "" tPlotBEPSResults["bim2sim > tasks > bps > PlotBEPSResults"] extPlotBEPSResults(" Plots the results for BEPS simulations. " ) end statePlotBEPSResults[("state (reads/touches)")] statePlotBEPSResults -- df_finals, sim_results_path, ifc_files --> tPlotBEPSResults direction RL end taskLoadIFC --> taskCheckIfc taskCheckIfc --> taskCreateElements taskCreateElements --> taskCreateSpaceBoundaries taskCreateSpaceBoundaries --> taskCorrectSpaceBoundaries taskCorrectSpaceBoundaries --> taskAddSpaceBoundaries2B taskAddSpaceBoundaries2B --> taskFilterTZ taskFilterTZ --> taskBindStoreys taskBindStoreys --> taskEnrichUseConditions taskEnrichUseConditions --> taskVerifyLayersMaterials taskVerifyLayersMaterials --> taskEnrichMaterial taskEnrichMaterial --> taskDisaggregationCreation taskDisaggregationCreation --> taskCombineThermalZones taskCombineThermalZones --> taskWeather taskWeather --> taskLoadLibrariesTEASER taskLoadLibrariesTEASER --> taskCreateTEASER taskCreateTEASER --> taskSerializeElements taskSerializeElements --> taskExportTEASER taskExportTEASER --> taskSimulateModelEBCPy taskSimulateModelEBCPy --> taskCreateResultDF taskCreateResultDF --> taskPlotBEPSResults

This figure is generated by the script (see Visualization of bim2sim plugin structure).

How to create a project?

How to load an IFC file?

How to configure my project?

Simulation settings

Configuration file

Default tasks

Additional templates

How to run the project?

How to run the simulation?

How to analyze the project?

What kind of results exist?

What programs/tools to use for further analysis?

@TODO Move the following where it belongs


bim2sim uses the extensive statistic data in TEASER to enrich the often unknown but required information for construction elements materials, their layered structure and profiles to estimate internal loads in a building based on the usage type of its zones. This enrichment was made also available for the export to the EnergyPlus Plugin

Space Boundary Usage

Currently, TEASER prefers the semantic input from IFC data to get important data like the area of walls. But as these information often are not correct or not existing TEASER uses also the information provided by space boundaries. The space boundaries are also mandatory for Zoning, see below. With growing quality of IFC exports in authoring tools we might see complete IFCs with all semantic information needed to parametrize a BPS. At this point TEASEr will allow the creation of a single zone simulation model without the need of Space Boundaries, as the space boundaries are only needed for zoning in this case.


As TEASERs simulation core offers multizone simulation models, but each zone is adiabatic and interacts only with the environment but the zones don’t interact with each other. Even if just putting every room into one thermalzone might be easy but not sensible as shown in this paper.

As the zoning of simulation models is a time-consuming task we decided to automate it with the task (BindThermalZones)[BindThermalZones]. We do this by giving the user multiple criteria to select from:

  • External/Internal

  • Orientation

  • Usage

  • Window to wall ratio

To create those zones we first need to disaggregate the elements of each room based on 2nd level space boundaries and put them together again afterwards.


By selecting this criteria all zones with contact to the environment will be in one group and all rooms without contact in the other.


This groups the zones into two groups, south-west orientated and north-east orientated zones. This is useful as the south-west group is exposed to solar radiation at a high level, while the north-east group will have only negligible solar radiation input. Mixing both groups together can lead to misleading results regarding peak loads as loads are smoothed out.


This groups the zones based on the usage type of each room. bim2sim tries to estimate the usage of each room based on the name of the room and multiple IFC properties which might be set by the authoring tool. If the usage can’t be found a Decision will be triggered to get the correct usage.

Window to wall ratio

With this criteria the zones are grouped into 4 groups based on their window to wall ratio or glass percentage:

  • 0 - 30 %

  • 30 - 50 %

  • 50 - 70 %

  • 70 - 100 % This is useful as rooms with high glass percentage will have less thermal mass and inertia and higher solar radiation input which makes their dynamic different from the ones with low glass percentage.