How to install?
Step by step
To install PluginEnergyPlus
: you need to do the following
(in the root directory of the repo, here is the pyproject.toml file)
pip install -e '.[PluginEnergyPlus]'
The bim2sim core installation needs to be done before.
Trouble Shooting
For python > 3.9: make sure that the correct geomeppy is installed (using requirements.txt in the plugin): in this fork of geomeppy, we fixed the imports working from python >= 3.10:
Test install
Structure of the plugin
The following figure shows the structure of the EnergyPlus plugin. Here you see which tasks are used and how they are combined.
(Hint: firefox has issue display mermaid figures completely, for more infos see issue #766)
--- title: plugin EnergyPlus --- flowchart TB subgraph taskLoadIFC["task LoadIFC"] subgraph "" tLoadIFC["bim2sim > tasks > common > LoadIFC"] extLoadIFC(" Load all IFC files from PROJECT. " ) end stateLoadIFC[("state (reads/touches)")] tLoadIFC -- ifc_files --> stateLoadIFC end subgraph taskCheckIfc["task CheckIfc"] subgraph "" tCheckIfc["bim2sim > tasks > common > CheckIfc"] extCheckIfc(" Check an IFC file, for a number of conditions (missing information, incorrect information, etc) that could lead on future tasks to fatal errors. " ) end stateCheckIfc[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCheckIfc -- ifc_files --> tCheckIfc direction RL end subgraph taskCreateElements["task CreateElements"] subgraph "" tCreateElements["bim2sim > tasks > common > CreateElements"] extCreateElements(" Create bim2sim elements based on information in IFC. " ) end stateCreateElements[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateElements -- ifc_files --> tCreateElements tCreateElements -- elements, ifc_files --> stateCreateElements end subgraph taskCreateSpaceBoundaries["task CreateSpaceBoundaries"] subgraph "" tCreateSpaceBoundaries["bim2sim > tasks > bps > CreateSpaceBoundaries"] extCreateSpaceBoundaries(" Create space boundary elements from ifc. " ) end stateCreateSpaceBoundaries[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateSpaceBoundaries -- ifc_files, elements --> tCreateSpaceBoundaries tCreateSpaceBoundaries -- space_boundaries --> stateCreateSpaceBoundaries end subgraph taskCorrectSpaceBoundaries["task CorrectSpaceBoundaries"] subgraph "" tCorrectSpaceBoundaries["bim2sim > tasks > bps > CorrectSpaceBoundaries"] extCorrectSpaceBoundaries(" Advanced geometric preprocessing for Space Boundaries. " ) end stateCorrectSpaceBoundaries[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCorrectSpaceBoundaries -- elements, space_boundaries --> tCorrectSpaceBoundaries direction RL end subgraph taskAddSpaceBoundaries2B["task AddSpaceBoundaries2B"] subgraph "" tAddSpaceBoundaries2B["bim2sim > tasks > bps > AddSpaceBoundaries2B"] extAddSpaceBoundaries2B(" Fill gaps in set of space boundary per space with 2B space boundaries. " ) end stateAddSpaceBoundaries2B[("state (reads/touches)")] stateAddSpaceBoundaries2B -- elements --> tAddSpaceBoundaries2B tAddSpaceBoundaries2B -- elements --> stateAddSpaceBoundaries2B end subgraph taskFilterTZ["task FilterTZ"] subgraph "" tFilterTZ["bim2sim > tasks > bps > FilterTZ"] extFilterTZ(" Filters the thermal zones for later usage and stores them in state. " ) end stateFilterTZ[("state (reads/touches)")] stateFilterTZ -- elements --> tFilterTZ tFilterTZ -- tz_elements --> stateFilterTZ end subgraph taskBindStoreys["task BindStoreys"] subgraph "" tBindStoreys["bim2sim > tasks > common > BindStoreys"] extBindStoreys(" None. " ) end stateBindStoreys[("state (reads/touches)")] stateBindStoreys -- elements --> tBindStoreys tBindStoreys -- elements --> stateBindStoreys end subgraph taskEnrichUseConditions["task EnrichUseConditions"] subgraph "" tEnrichUseConditions["bim2sim > tasks > bps > EnrichUseConditions"] extEnrichUseConditions(" Enriches Use Conditions of thermal zones based on decisions and translation of zone names. " ) end stateEnrichUseConditions[("state (reads/touches)")] stateEnrichUseConditions -- tz_elements --> tEnrichUseConditions tEnrichUseConditions -- enriched_tz --> stateEnrichUseConditions end subgraph taskVerifyLayersMaterials["task VerifyLayersMaterials"] subgraph "" tVerifyLayersMaterials["bim2sim > tasks > bps > VerifyLayersMaterials"] extVerifyLayersMaterials(" Verifies if layers and materials and their properties are meaningful. " ) end stateVerifyLayersMaterials[("state (reads/touches)")] stateVerifyLayersMaterials -- elements --> tVerifyLayersMaterials tVerifyLayersMaterials -- invalid --> stateVerifyLayersMaterials end subgraph taskEnrichMaterial["task EnrichMaterial"] subgraph "" tEnrichMaterial["bim2sim > tasks > bps > EnrichMaterial"] extEnrichMaterial(" Enriches material properties that were recognized as invalid LOD. " ) end stateEnrichMaterial[("state (reads/touches)")] stateEnrichMaterial -- elements, invalid --> tEnrichMaterial tEnrichMaterial -- elements --> stateEnrichMaterial end subgraph taskWeather["task Weather"] subgraph "" tWeather["bim2sim > tasks > common > Weather"] extWeather(" Task to get the weather file for later simulation. " ) end stateWeather[("state (reads/touches)")] stateWeather -- elements --> tWeather tWeather -- weather_file --> stateWeather end subgraph taskCreateIdf["task CreateIdf"] subgraph "" tCreateIdf["bim2sim > plugins > PluginEnergyPlus > bim2sim_energyplus > task > CreateIdf"] extCreateIdf(" Create an EnergyPlus Input file. " ) end stateCreateIdf[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateIdf -- elements, weather_file --> tCreateIdf tCreateIdf -- idf, sim_results_path --> stateCreateIdf end subgraph taskIdfPostprocessing["task IdfPostprocessing"] subgraph "" tIdfPostprocessing["bim2sim > plugins > PluginEnergyPlus > bim2sim_energyplus > task > IdfPostprocessing"] extIdfPostprocessing(" None. " ) end stateIdfPostprocessing[("state (reads/touches)")] stateIdfPostprocessing -- elements, idf, ifc_files, sim_results_path --> tIdfPostprocessing direction RL end subgraph taskExportIdfForCfd["task ExportIdfForCfd"] subgraph "" tExportIdfForCfd["bim2sim > plugins > PluginEnergyPlus > bim2sim_energyplus > task > ExportIdfForCfd"] extExportIdfForCfd(" Export Idf shapes as . " ) end stateExportIdfForCfd[("state (reads/touches)")] stateExportIdfForCfd -- elements, idf --> tExportIdfForCfd direction RL end subgraph taskRunEnergyPlusSimulation["task RunEnergyPlusSimulation"] subgraph "" tRunEnergyPlusSimulation["bim2sim > plugins > PluginEnergyPlus > bim2sim_energyplus > task > RunEnergyPlusSimulation"] extRunEnergyPlusSimulation(" None. " ) end stateRunEnergyPlusSimulation[("state (reads/touches)")] stateRunEnergyPlusSimulation -- idf, sim_results_path --> tRunEnergyPlusSimulation direction RL end subgraph taskCreateResultDF["task CreateResultDF"] subgraph "" tCreateResultDF["bim2sim > plugins > PluginEnergyPlus > bim2sim_energyplus > task > CreateResultDF"] extCreateResultDF(" This ITask creates a result dataframe for EnergyPlus BEPS simulations. " ) end stateCreateResultDF[("state (reads/touches)")] stateCreateResultDF -- idf, sim_results_path --> tCreateResultDF tCreateResultDF -- df_finals --> stateCreateResultDF end subgraph taskPlotBEPSResults["task PlotBEPSResults"] subgraph "" tPlotBEPSResults["bim2sim > tasks > bps > PlotBEPSResults"] extPlotBEPSResults(" Plots the results for BEPS simulations. " ) end statePlotBEPSResults[("state (reads/touches)")] statePlotBEPSResults -- df_finals, sim_results_path, ifc_files --> tPlotBEPSResults direction RL end taskLoadIFC --> taskCheckIfc taskCheckIfc --> taskCreateElements taskCreateElements --> taskCreateSpaceBoundaries taskCreateSpaceBoundaries --> taskCorrectSpaceBoundaries taskCorrectSpaceBoundaries --> taskAddSpaceBoundaries2B taskAddSpaceBoundaries2B --> taskFilterTZ taskFilterTZ --> taskBindStoreys taskBindStoreys --> taskEnrichUseConditions taskEnrichUseConditions --> taskVerifyLayersMaterials taskVerifyLayersMaterials --> taskEnrichMaterial taskEnrichMaterial --> taskWeather taskWeather --> taskCreateIdf taskCreateIdf --> taskIdfPostprocessing taskIdfPostprocessing --> taskExportIdfForCfd taskExportIdfForCfd --> taskRunEnergyPlusSimulation taskRunEnergyPlusSimulation --> taskCreateResultDF taskCreateResultDF --> taskPlotBEPSResults
This figure is generated by the script (see Visualization of bim2sim plugin structure).
How to create a project?
How to load an IFC file?
How to configure my project?
Simulation settings
Configuration file
Default tasks
Additional templates
How to run the project?
How to run the simulation?
How to analyze the project?
What kind of results exist?
What programs/tools to use for further analysis?
#TODO Copy to correct positions:
Go to EnergyPlus specific tasks Go to EnergyPlusSimSettings
The Plugin EnergyPlus exports the preprocessed IFC data to en EnergyPlus Input file (idf). This Plugin contains EnergyPlus specific modifications of the geometry and further enrichment for the export. General simulation control settings are set here as well as the output variables.
Other IFC requirements (optional, improve model accuracy):
Material definitions
Shading Space Boundaries
The Plugin consists of multiple individual tasks that are executed consecutively. The default tasks are defined in the PluginEnergyPlus class. These tasks can be split in two main blocks: general preparation tasks that are used for both BPS workflows (TEASER and EnergyPlus) and EnergyPlus specific tasks.
general tasks (common and BPS-specific):
EnergyPlus specific tasks:
EnergyPlus specific tasks
Validation of the IFC file
The EnergyPlus specific tasks start with an EnergyPlus specific validation of the space boundaries provided by the IFC file. This validation algorihtm is included in the default workflow to give an insight in the quality of the provided IFC.
Geometric Preprocessing for EnergyPlus Export
The preprocessed geometry and material needs an additional preprocessing to cover all requirements for the EnergyPlus export. This is done in the EPGeomPreprocessing. The space boundaries which are further used to model the building geometry are added to the elements. Minor geometric displacements are fixed by moving children to their parents. This covers all cases, where opening space boundaries are displaced by the thickness of the wall. The surface orientation is fixed if needed (all surface normals are supposed to point outwards the relating space). To improve shading calculations and remove inner loops from surfaces, non-convex space boundaries can be split up. Similarly, shadings can be added and split if needed.
Use the settings to decide if boundaries should be split up and if shadings should be added.
Add 2b Space Boundaries
Space Boundaries of type 2b can be added here if gaps are located in the provided set of space boundaries. The resulting set of space boundaries then forms a watertight model that can be further used for other simulation purposes such as CFD export.
Set the Weather File
Set the Weather File for the EnergyPlus Simulation.
Initialize and Export the EnergyPlus IDF File
Write all preprocessed geometric data, materials, and boundary conditions to an EnergyPlus input file (IDF).
IDF Postprocessing
Export data to csv. Some modifications may be required to meet your individual postprocessing needs here.
Export IDF Geometry for CFD Processing
Use the settings to specify, if the IDF geometry should be converted to .stl for further use in CFD applications.
Run EnergyPlus Simulation
Run the EnergyPlus simulation. Use the settings for further runtime specifications.
EnergyPlus has its own set of EnergyPlus specific Simulation Settings that can be found here: