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1"""Module contains the different classes for all HVAC elements"""
2import inspect
3import logging
4import math
5import re
6import sys
7from datetime import date
8from typing import Set, List, Union
10import ifcopenshell
11import ifcopenshell.geom
12from OCC.Core.BRepBndLib import brepbndlib_Add
13from OCC.Core.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_Transform
14from OCC.Core.BRepExtrema import BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape
15from OCC.Core.BRepGProp import brepgprop_SurfaceProperties
16from OCC.Core.BRepLib import BRepLib_FuseEdges
17from OCC.Core.Bnd import Bnd_Box
18from OCC.Core.Extrema import Extrema_ExtFlag_MIN
19from OCC.Core.GProp import GProp_GProps
20from OCC.Core.ShapeUpgrade import ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain
21from import gp_Trsf, gp_Vec, gp_XYZ, gp_Pnt, \
22 gp_Mat, gp_Quaternion
23from ifcopenshell import guid
25from bim2sim.elements.mapping import condition, attribute
26from bim2sim.elements.base_elements import ProductBased, RelationBased
27from bim2sim.elements.mapping.units import ureg
28from bim2sim.tasks.common.inner_loop_remover import remove_inner_loops
29from bim2sim.utilities.common_functions import vector_angle, angle_equivalent
30from bim2sim.utilities.pyocc_tools import PyOCCTools
31from bim2sim.utilities.types import IFCDomain, BoundaryOrientation
33logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
36class BPSProduct(ProductBased):
37 domain = 'BPS'
39 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
40 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
41 self.thermal_zones = []
42 self.space_boundaries = []
43 self.storeys = []
44 self.material = None
45 self.disaggregations = []
46 self.building = None
47 = None
49 def __repr__(self):
50 return "<%s (guid: %s)>" % (
51 self.__class__.__name__, self.guid)
53 def get_bound_area(self, name) -> ureg.Quantity:
54 """ get gross bound area (including opening areas) of the element"""
55 return sum(sb.bound_area for sb in self.sbs_without_corresponding)
57 def get_net_bound_area(self, name) -> ureg.Quantity:
58 """get net area (including opening areas) of the element"""
59 return self.gross_area - self.opening_area
61 @property
62 def is_external(self) -> bool or None:
63 """Checks if the corresponding element has contact with external
64 environment (e.g. ground, roof, wall)"""
65 if hasattr(self, 'parent'):
66 return self.parent.is_external
67 elif hasattr(self, 'ifc'):
68 if hasattr(self.ifc, 'ProvidesBoundaries'):
69 if len(self.ifc.ProvidesBoundaries) > 0:
70 ext_int = list(
71 set([boundary.InternalOrExternalBoundary for boundary
72 in self.ifc.ProvidesBoundaries]))
73 if len(ext_int) == 1:
74 if ext_int[0].lower() == 'external':
75 return True
76 if ext_int[0].lower() == 'internal':
77 return False
78 else:
79 return ext_int
80 return None
82 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
83 """Default cost group for building elements is 300"""
84 return 300
86 def _calc_teaser_orientation(self, name) -> Union[int, None]:
87 """Calculate the orientation of the bps product based on SB direction.
89 For buildings elements we can use the more reliable space boundaries
90 normal vector to calculate the orientation if the space boundaries
91 exists. Otherwise the base calc_orientation of IFCBased will be used.
93 Returns:
94 Orientation angle between 0 and 360.
95 (0 : north, 90: east, 180: south, 270: west)
96 """
97 true_north = self.get_true_north()
98 if len(self.space_boundaries):
99 new_orientation = self.group_orientation(
100 [vector_angle(space_boundary.bound_normal.Coord())
101 for space_boundary in self.space_boundaries])
102 if new_orientation is not None:
103 return int(angle_equivalent(new_orientation + true_north))
104 # return int(angle_equivalent(super().calc_orientation() + true_north))
105 return None
107 @staticmethod
108 def group_orientation(orientations: list):
109 dict_orientations = {}
110 for orientation in orientations:
111 rounded_orientation = round(orientation)
112 if rounded_orientation not in dict_orientations:
113 dict_orientations[rounded_orientation] = 0
114 dict_orientations[rounded_orientation] += 1
115 if len(dict_orientations):
116 return max(dict_orientations, key=dict_orientations.get)
117 return None
119 def _get_sbs_without_corresponding(self, name) -> list:
120 """get a list with only not duplicated space boundaries"""
121 sbs_without_corresponding = list(self.space_boundaries)
122 for sb in self.space_boundaries:
123 if sb in sbs_without_corresponding:
124 if sb.related_bound and sb.related_bound in \
125 sbs_without_corresponding:
126 sbs_without_corresponding.remove(sb.related_bound)
127 return sbs_without_corresponding
129 def _get_opening_area(self, name):
130 """get sum of opening areas of the element"""
131 return sum(sb.opening_area for sb in self.sbs_without_corresponding)
133 teaser_orientation = attribute.Attribute(
134 description="Orientation of element in TEASER conventions. 0-360 for "
135 "orientation of vertical elements and -1 for roofs and "
136 "ceiling, -2 for groundfloors and floors.",
137 functions=[_calc_teaser_orientation],
138 )
140 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
141 functions=[get_bound_area],
142 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
143 )
145 net_area = attribute.Attribute(
146 functions=[get_net_bound_area],
147 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
148 )
150 sbs_without_corresponding = attribute.Attribute(
151 description="A list with only not duplicated space boundaries",
152 functions=[_get_sbs_without_corresponding]
153 )
155 opening_area = attribute.Attribute(
156 description="Sum of opening areas of the element",
157 functions=[_get_opening_area]
158 )
161class ThermalZone(BPSProduct):
162 ifc_types = {
163 "IfcSpace":
165 }
167 pattern_ifc_type = [
168 re.compile('Space', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
169 re.compile('Zone', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
170 ]
172 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
173 self.bound_elements = kwargs.pop('bound_elements', [])
174 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
176 @property
177 def outer_walls(self) -> list:
178 """List of all outer wall elements bounded to the thermal zone"""
179 return [
180 ele for ele in self.bound_elements if isinstance(ele, OuterWall)]
182 @property
183 def windows(self) -> list:
184 """List of all window elements bounded to the thermal zone"""
185 return [ele for ele in self.bound_elements if isinstance(ele, Window)]
187 @property
188 def is_external(self) -> bool:
189 """determines if a thermal zone is external or internal based on the
190 presence of outer walls"""
191 return len(self.outer_walls) > 0
193 def _get_external_orientation(self, name) -> str or float:
194 """determines the orientation of the thermal zone based on its elements
195 it can be a corner (list of 2 angles) or an edge (1 angle)"""
196 if self.is_external is True:
197 orientations = [ele.teaser_orientation for ele in self.outer_walls]
198 calc_temp = list(set(orientations))
199 sum_or = sum(calc_temp)
200 if 0 in calc_temp:
201 if sum_or > 180:
202 sum_or += 360
203 return sum_or / len(calc_temp)
204 return 'Internal'
206 def _get_glass_percentage(self, name) -> float or ureg.Quantity:
207 """determines the glass area/facade area ratio for all the windows in
208 the space in one of the 4 following ranges
209 0%-30%: 15
210 30%-50%: 40
211 50%-70%: 60
212 70%-100%: 85"""
213 glass_area = sum(wi.gross_area for wi in
214 facade_area = sum(wa.gross_area for wa in self.outer_walls)
215 if facade_area > 0:
216 return 100 * (glass_area / (facade_area + glass_area)).m
217 else:
218 return 'Internal'
220 def _get_space_neighbors(self, name) -> list:
221 """determines the neighbors of the thermal zone"""
222 neighbors = []
223 for sb in self.space_boundaries:
224 if sb.related_bound is not None:
225 tz = sb.related_bound.bound_thermal_zone
226 # todo: check if computation of neighbors works as expected
227 # what if boundary has no related bound but still has a
228 # neighbor?
229 # hint: neighbors != related bounds
230 if (tz is not self) and (tz not in neighbors):
231 neighbors.append(tz)
232 return neighbors
234 def _get_space_shape(self, name):
235 """returns topods shape of the IfcSpace"""
236 settings = ifcopenshell.geom.main.settings()
237 settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True)
238 settings.set(settings.USE_WORLD_COORDS, True)
239 settings.set(settings.EXCLUDE_SOLIDS_AND_SURFACES, False)
240 settings.set(settings.INCLUDE_CURVES, True)
241 return ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, self.ifc).geometry
243 def _get_space_center(self, name) -> float:
244 """
245 This function returns the center of the bounding box of an ifc space
246 shape
247 :return: center of space bounding box (gp_Pnt)
248 """
249 bbox = Bnd_Box()
250 brepbndlib_Add(self.space_shape, bbox)
251 bbox_center = ifcopenshell.geom.utils.get_bounding_box_center(bbox)
252 return bbox_center
254 def _get_footprint_shape(self, name):
255 """
256 This function returns the footprint of a space shape. This can be
257 used e.g., to visualize floor plans.
258 """
259 footprint = PyOCCTools.get_footprint_of_shape(self.space_shape)
260 return footprint
262 def _get_space_shape_volume(self, name):
263 """
264 This function returns the volume of a space shape
265 """
266 return PyOCCTools.get_shape_volume(self.space_shape)
268 def _get_volume_geometric(self, name):
269 """
270 This function returns the volume of a space geometrically
271 """
272 return self.gross_area * self.height
274 def _get_usage(self, name):
275 """
276 This function returns the usage of a space
277 """
278 if self.zone_name is not None:
279 usage = self.zone_name
280 elif self.ifc.LongName is not None and \
281 "oldSpaceGuids_" not in self.ifc.LongName:
282 # todo oldSpaceGuids_ is hardcode for erics tool
283 usage = self.ifc.LongName
284 else:
285 usage =
286 return usage
288 def _get_name(self, name):
289 """
290 This function returns the name of a space
291 """
292 if self.zone_name:
293 space_name = self.zone_name
294 else:
295 space_name = self.ifc.Name
296 return space_name
298 def get_bound_floor_area(self, name):
299 """Get bound floor area of zone. This is currently set by sum of all
300 horizontal gross area and take half of it due to issues with
302 leveled_areas = {}
303 for height, sbs in self.horizontal_sbs.items():
304 if height not in leveled_areas:
305 leveled_areas[height] = 0
306 leveled_areas[height] += sum([sb.bound_area for sb in sbs])
308 return sum(leveled_areas.values()) / 2
310 def get_net_bound_floor_area(self, name):
311 """Get net bound floor area of zone. This is currently set by sum of all
312 horizontal net area and take half of it due to issues with TOP BOTTOM."""
313 leveled_areas = {}
314 for height, sbs in self.horizontal_sbs.items():
315 if height not in leveled_areas:
316 leveled_areas[height] = 0
317 leveled_areas[height] += sum([sb.net_bound_area for sb in sbs])
319 return sum(leveled_areas.values()) / 2
321 def _get_horizontal_sbs(self, name):
322 """get all horizonal SBs in a zone and convert them into a dict with
323 key z-height in room and the SB as value."""
324 # todo: use only bottom when TOP bottom is working correctly
325 valid = [, BoundaryOrientation.bottom]
326 leveled_sbs = {}
327 for sb in self.sbs_without_corresponding:
328 if sb.top_bottom in valid:
329 pos = round(sb.position[2], 1)
330 if pos not in leveled_sbs:
331 leveled_sbs[pos] = []
332 leveled_sbs[pos].append(sb)
334 return leveled_sbs
336 def _area_specific_post_processing(self, value):
337 return value / self.net_area
339 def _get_heating_profile(self, name) -> list:
340 """returns a heating profile using the heat temperature in the IFC"""
341 # todo make this "dynamic" with a night set back
342 if self.t_set_heat is not None:
343 return [] * 24
345 def _get_cooling_profile(self, name) -> list:
346 """returns a cooling profile using the cool temperature in the IFC"""
347 # todo make this "dynamic" with a night set back
348 if self.t_set_cool is not None:
349 return [] * 24
351 def _get_persons(self, name):
352 if self.area_per_occupant:
353 return 1 / self.area_per_occupant
355 external_orientation = attribute.Attribute(
356 description="Orientation of the thermal zone, either 'Internal' or a "
357 "list of 2 angles or a single angle as value between 0 and "
358 "360.",
359 functions=[_get_external_orientation]
360 )
362 glass_percentage = attribute.Attribute(
363 description="Determines the glass area/facade area ratio for all the "
364 "windows in the space in one of the 4 following ranges:"
365 " 0%-30%: 15, 30%-50%: 40, 50%-70%: 60, 70%-100%: 85.",
366 functions=[_get_glass_percentage]
367 )
369 space_neighbors = attribute.Attribute(
370 description="Determines the neighbors of the thermal zone.",
371 functions=[_get_space_neighbors]
372 )
374 space_shape = attribute.Attribute(
375 description="Returns topods shape of the IfcSpace.",
376 functions=[_get_space_shape]
377 )
379 space_center = attribute.Attribute(
380 description="Returns the center of the bounding box of an ifc space "
381 "shape.",
382 functions=[_get_space_center]
383 )
385 footprint_shape = attribute.Attribute(
386 description="Returns the footprint of a space shape, which can be "
387 "used e.g., to visualize floor plans.",
388 functions=[_get_footprint_shape]
389 )
391 horizontal_sbs = attribute.Attribute(
392 description="All horizontal space boundaries in a zone as dict. Key is"
393 " the z-zeight in the room and value the SB.",
394 functions=[_get_horizontal_sbs]
395 )
397 zone_name = attribute.Attribute(
398 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceCommon", "Reference")
399 )
401 name = attribute.Attribute(
402 functions=[_get_name]
403 )
405 usage = attribute.Attribute(
406 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceOccupancyRequirements", "OccupancyType"),
407 functions=[_get_usage]
408 )
410 t_set_heat = attribute.Attribute(
411 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "SpaceTemperatureMin"),
412 unit=ureg.degC,
413 )
415 t_set_cool = attribute.Attribute(
416 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "SpaceTemperatureMax"),
417 unit=ureg.degC,
418 )
420 t_ground = attribute.Attribute(
421 unit=ureg.degC,
422 default=13,
423 )
425 max_humidity = attribute.Attribute(
426 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "SpaceHumidityMax"),
427 unit=ureg.dimensionless,
428 )
430 min_humidity = attribute.Attribute(
431 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "SpaceHumidityMin"),
432 unit=ureg.dimensionless,
433 )
435 natural_ventilation = attribute.Attribute(
436 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "NaturalVentilation"),
437 )
439 natural_ventilation_rate = attribute.Attribute(
440 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "NaturalVentilationRate"),
441 unit=1 / ureg.hour,
442 )
444 mechanical_ventilation_rate = attribute.Attribute(
445 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements",
446 "MechanicalVentilationRate"),
447 unit=1 / ureg.hour,
448 )
450 with_ahu = attribute.Attribute(
451 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "AirConditioning"),
452 )
454 central_ahu = attribute.Attribute(
455 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements", "AirConditioningCentral"),
456 )
458 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
459 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "GrossFloorArea"),
460 functions=[get_bound_floor_area],
461 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
462 )
464 net_area = attribute.Attribute(
465 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "NetFloorArea"),
466 functions=[get_net_bound_floor_area],
467 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
468 )
470 net_wall_area = attribute.Attribute(
471 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "NetWallArea"),
472 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
473 )
475 net_ceiling_area = attribute.Attribute(
476 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "NetCeilingArea"),
477 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
478 )
480 net_volume = attribute.Attribute(
481 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "NetVolume"),
482 functions=[_get_space_shape_volume, _get_volume_geometric],
483 unit=ureg.meter ** 3,
484 )
485 gross_volume = attribute.Attribute(
486 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "GrossVolume"),
487 functions=[_get_volume_geometric],
488 unit=ureg.meter ** 3,
489 )
491 height = attribute.Attribute(
492 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "Height"),
493 unit=ureg.meter,
494 )
496 length = attribute.Attribute(
497 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "Length"),
498 unit=ureg.meter,
499 )
501 width = attribute.Attribute(
502 default_ps=("Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities", "Width"),
503 unit=ureg.m
504 )
506 area_per_occupant = attribute.Attribute(
507 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceOccupancyRequirements", "AreaPerOccupant"),
508 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
509 )
511 space_shape_volume = attribute.Attribute(
512 functions=[_get_space_shape_volume],
513 unit=ureg.meter ** 3,
514 )
516 clothing_persons = attribute.Attribute(
517 default_ps=("", "")
518 )
520 surround_clo_persons = attribute.Attribute(
521 default_ps=("", "")
522 )
524 heating_profile = attribute.Attribute(
525 functions=[_get_heating_profile],
526 )
528 cooling_profile = attribute.Attribute(
529 functions=[_get_cooling_profile],
530 )
532 persons = attribute.Attribute(
533 functions=[_get_persons],
534 )
536 # use conditions
537 with_cooling = attribute.Attribute(
538 )
540 with_heating = attribute.Attribute(
541 )
543 T_threshold_heating = attribute.Attribute(
544 )
546 activity_degree_persons = attribute.Attribute(
547 )
549 fixed_heat_flow_rate_persons = attribute.Attribute(
550 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalLoad", "People"),
551 unit=ureg.W,
552 )
554 internal_gains_moisture_no_people = attribute.Attribute(
555 )
557 T_threshold_cooling = attribute.Attribute(
558 )
560 ratio_conv_rad_persons = attribute.Attribute(
561 default=0.5,
562 )
564 ratio_conv_rad_machines = attribute.Attribute(
565 default=0.5,
566 )
568 ratio_conv_rad_lighting = attribute.Attribute(
569 default=0.5,
570 )
572 machines = attribute.Attribute(
573 description="Specific internal gains through machines, if taken from"
574 " IFC property set a division by thermal zone area is"
575 " needed.",
576 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalLoad", "EquipmentSensible"),
577 ifc_postprocessing=_area_specific_post_processing,
578 unit=ureg.W / (ureg.meter ** 2),
579 )
581 def _calc_lighting_power(self, name) -> float:
582 if self.use_maintained_illuminance:
583 return self.maintained_illuminance / self.lighting_efficiency_lumen
584 else:
585 return self.fixed_lighting_power
587 lighting_power = attribute.Attribute(
588 description="Specific lighting power in W/m2. If taken from IFC"
589 " property set a division by thermal zone area is needed.",
590 default_ps=("Pset_SpaceThermalLoad", "Lighting"),
591 ifc_postprocessing=_area_specific_post_processing,
592 functions=[_calc_lighting_power],
593 unit=ureg.W / (ureg.meter ** 2),
594 )
596 fixed_lighting_power = attribute.Attribute(
597 description="Specific fixed electrical power for lighting in W/m2. "
598 "This value is taken from SIA 2024.",
599 unit=ureg.W / (ureg.meter ** 2)
600 )
602 maintained_illuminance = attribute.Attribute(
603 description="Maintained illuminance value for lighting. This value is"
604 " taken from SIA 2024.",
605 unit=ureg.lumen / (ureg.meter ** 2)
606 )
608 use_maintained_illuminance = attribute.Attribute(
609 description="Decision variable to determine if lighting_power will"
610 " be given by fixed_lighting_power or by calculation "
611 "using the variables maintained_illuminance and "
612 "lighting_efficiency_lumen. This is not available in IFC "
613 "and can be set through the sim_setting with equivalent "
614 "name. "
615 )
617 lighting_efficiency_lumen = attribute.Attribute(
618 description="Lighting efficiency in lm/W_el, in german: Lichtausbeute.",
619 unit=ureg.lumen / ureg.W
620 )
622 use_constant_infiltration = attribute.Attribute(
623 )
625 base_infiltration = attribute.Attribute(
626 )
628 max_user_infiltration = attribute.Attribute(
629 )
631 max_overheating_infiltration = attribute.Attribute(
632 )
634 max_summer_infiltration = attribute.Attribute(
635 )
637 winter_reduction_infiltration = attribute.Attribute(
638 )
640 min_ahu = attribute.Attribute(
641 )
643 max_ahu = attribute.Attribute(
644 default_ps=("Pset_AirSideSystemInformation", "TotalAirflow"),
645 unit=ureg.meter ** 3 / ureg.s
646 )
648 with_ideal_thresholds = attribute.Attribute(
649 )
651 persons_profile = attribute.Attribute(
652 )
654 machines_profile = attribute.Attribute(
655 )
657 lighting_profile = attribute.Attribute(
658 )
660 def get__elements_by_type(self, type):
661 raise NotImplementedError
663 def __repr__(self):
664 return "<%s (usage: %s)>" \
665 % (self.__class__.__name__, self.usage)
667class ExternalSpatialElement(ThermalZone):
668 ifc_types = {
669 "IfcExternalSpatialElement":
670 ['*']
671 }
674class SpaceBoundary(RelationBased):
675 ifc_types = {'IfcRelSpaceBoundary': ['*']}
677 def __init__(self, *args, elements: dict, **kwargs):
678 """spaceboundary __init__ function"""
679 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
680 self.disaggregation = []
681 self.bound_element = None
682 self.disagg_parent = None
683 self.bound_thermal_zone = None
684 self._elements = elements
685 self.parent_bound = None
686 self.opening_bounds = []
688 def _calc_position(self, name):
689 """
690 calculates the position of the spaceboundary, using the relative
691 position of resultant disaggregation
692 """
693 if hasattr(self.ifc.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement,
694 'BasisSurface'):
695 position = self.ifc.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement. \
696 BasisSurface.Position.Location.Coordinates
697 else:
698 position = self.ifc.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement. \
699 Position.Location.Coordinates
701 return position
703 @classmethod
704 def pre_validate(cls, ifc) -> bool:
705 return True
707 def validate_creation(self) -> bool:
708 if self.bound_area and self.bound_area < 1e-2 * ureg.meter ** 2:
709 return True
710 return False
712 def get_bound_area(self, name) -> ureg.Quantity:
713 """compute area of a space boundary"""
714 bound_prop = GProp_GProps()
715 brepgprop_SurfaceProperties(self.bound_shape, bound_prop)
716 area = bound_prop.Mass()
717 return area * ureg.meter ** 2
719 bound_area = attribute.Attribute(
720 description="The area bound by the space boundary.",
721 unit=ureg.meter ** 2,
722 functions=[get_bound_area]
723 )
725 def _get_top_bottom(self, name) -> BoundaryOrientation:
726 """
727 Determines if a boundary is a top (ceiling/roof) or bottom (floor/slab)
728 element based solely on its normal vector orientation.
730 Classification is based on the dot product between the boundary's
731 normal vector and the vertical vector (0, 0, 1):
732 - TOP: when normal points upward (dot product > cos(89°))
733 - BOTTOM: when normal points downward (dot product < cos(91°))
734 - VERTICAL: when normal is perpendicular to vertical (dot product ≈ 0)
736 Returns:
737 BoundaryOrientation: Enumerated orientation classification
738 """
739 vertical_vector = gp_XYZ(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
740 cos_angle_top = math.cos(math.radians(89))
741 cos_angle_bottom = math.cos(math.radians(91))
743 normal_dot_vertical = vertical_vector.Dot(self.bound_normal)
745 # Classify based on dot product
746 if normal_dot_vertical > cos_angle_top:
747 return
748 elif normal_dot_vertical < cos_angle_bottom:
749 return BoundaryOrientation.bottom
751 return BoundaryOrientation.vertical
753 def _get_bound_center(self, name):
754 """ compute center of the bounding box of a space boundary"""
755 p = GProp_GProps()
756 brepgprop_SurfaceProperties(self.bound_shape, p)
757 return p.CentreOfMass().XYZ()
759 def _get_related_bound(self, name):
760 """
761 Get corresponding space boundary in another space,
762 ensuring that corresponding space boundaries have a matching number of
763 vertices.
764 """
765 if hasattr(self.ifc, 'CorrespondingBoundary') and \
766 self.ifc.CorrespondingBoundary is not None:
767 corr_bound = self._elements.get(
768 self.ifc.CorrespondingBoundary.GlobalId)
769 if corr_bound:
770 nb_vert_this = PyOCCTools.get_number_of_vertices(
771 self.bound_shape)
772 nb_vert_other = PyOCCTools.get_number_of_vertices(
773 corr_bound.bound_shape)
774 # if not nb_vert_this == nb_vert_other:
775 # print("NO VERT MATCH!:", nb_vert_this, nb_vert_other)
776 if nb_vert_this == nb_vert_other:
777 return corr_bound
778 else:
779 # deal with a mismatch of vertices, due to different
780 # triangulation or for other reasons. Only applicable for
781 # small differences in the bound area between the
782 # corresponding surfaces
783 if abs(self.bound_area.m - corr_bound.bound_area.m) < 0.01:
784 # get points of the current space boundary
785 p = PyOCCTools.get_points_of_face(self.bound_shape)
786 # reverse the points and create a new face. Points
787 # have to be reverted, otherwise it would result in an
788 # incorrectly oriented surface normal
789 p.reverse()
790 new_corr_shape = PyOCCTools.make_faces_from_pnts(p)
791 # move the new shape of the corresponding boundary to
792 # the original position of the corresponding boundary
793 new_moved_corr_shape = (
794 PyOCCTools.move_bounds_to_vertical_pos([
795 new_corr_shape], corr_bound.bound_shape))[0]
796 # assign the new shape to the original shape and
797 # return the new corresponding boundary
798 corr_bound.bound_shape = new_moved_corr_shape
799 return corr_bound
800 if self.bound_element is None:
801 # return None
802 # check for virtual bounds
803 if not self.physical:
804 corr_bound = None
805 # cover virtual space boundaries without related IfcVirtualElement
806 if not self.ifc.RelatedBuildingElement:
807 vbs = [b for b in self._elements.values() if
808 isinstance(b, SpaceBoundary) and not
809 b.ifc.RelatedBuildingElement]
810 for b in vbs:
811 if b is self:
812 continue
813 if b.ifc.RelatingSpace == self.ifc.RelatingSpace:
814 continue
815 if not (b.bound_area.m - self.bound_area.m) ** 2 < 1e-2:
816 continue
817 center_dist = gp_Pnt(self.bound_center).Distance(
818 gp_Pnt(b.bound_center)) ** 2
819 if center_dist > 0.5:
820 continue
821 corr_bound = b
822 return corr_bound
823 return None
824 # cover virtual space boundaries related to an IfcVirtualElement
825 if self.ifc.RelatedBuildingElement.is_a('IfcVirtualElement'):
826 if len(self.ifc.RelatedBuildingElement.ProvidesBoundaries) == 2:
827 for bound in self.ifc.RelatedBuildingElement.ProvidesBoundaries:
828 if bound.GlobalId != self.ifc.GlobalId:
829 corr_bound = self._elements[bound.GlobalId]
830 return corr_bound
831 elif len(self.bound_element.space_boundaries) == 1:
832 return None
833 elif len(self.bound_element.space_boundaries) >= 2:
834 own_space_id = self.bound_thermal_zone.ifc.GlobalId
835 min_dist = 1000
836 corr_bound = None
837 for bound in self.bound_element.space_boundaries:
838 if bound.level_description != "2a":
839 continue
840 if bound is self:
841 continue
842 # if bound.bound_normal.Dot(self.bound_normal) != -1:
843 # continue
844 other_area = bound.bound_area
845 if (other_area.m - self.bound_area.m) ** 2 > 1e-1:
846 continue
847 center_dist = gp_Pnt(self.bound_center).Distance(
848 gp_Pnt(bound.bound_center)) ** 2
849 if abs(center_dist) > 0.5:
850 continue
851 distance = BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape(
852 bound.bound_shape,
853 self.bound_shape,
854 Extrema_ExtFlag_MIN
855 ).Value()
856 if distance > min_dist:
857 continue
858 min_dist = abs(center_dist)
859 # self.check_for_vertex_duplicates(bound)
860 nb_vert_this = PyOCCTools.get_number_of_vertices(
861 self.bound_shape)
862 nb_vert_other = PyOCCTools.get_number_of_vertices(
863 bound.bound_shape)
864 # if not nb_vert_this == nb_vert_other:
865 # print("NO VERT MATCH!:", nb_vert_this, nb_vert_other)
866 if nb_vert_this == nb_vert_other:
867 corr_bound = bound
868 return corr_bound
869 else:
870 return None
872 def _get_related_adb_bound(self, name):
873 adb_bound = None
874 if self.bound_element is None:
875 return None
876 # check for visual bounds
877 if not self.physical:
878 return None
879 if self.related_bound:
880 if self.bound_thermal_zone == self.related_bound.bound_thermal_zone:
881 adb_bound = self.related_bound
882 return adb_bound
883 for bound in self.bound_element.space_boundaries:
884 if bound == self:
885 continue
886 if not bound.bound_thermal_zone == self.bound_thermal_zone:
887 continue
888 if abs(bound.bound_area.m - self.bound_area.m) > 1e-3:
889 continue
890 if all([abs(i) < 1e-3 for i in
891 ((self.bound_normal - bound.bound_normal).Coord())]):
892 continue
893 if gp_Pnt(bound.bound_center).Distance(
894 gp_Pnt(self.bound_center)) < 0.4:
895 adb_bound = bound
896 return adb_bound
898 related_adb_bound = attribute.Attribute(
899 description="Related adiabatic boundary.",
900 functions=[_get_related_adb_bound]
901 )
903 def _get_is_physical(self, name) -> bool:
904 """
905 This function returns True if the spaceboundary is physical
906 """
907 return self.ifc.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary.lower() == 'physical'
909 def _get_bound_shape(self, name):
910 settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings()
911 settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True)
912 settings.set(settings.USE_WORLD_COORDS, True)
913 settings.set(settings.EXCLUDE_SOLIDS_AND_SURFACES, False)
914 settings.set(settings.INCLUDE_CURVES, True)
916 # check if the space boundary shapes need a unit conversion (i.e.,
917 # an additional transformation to the correct size and position)
918 length_unit = self.ifc_units.get('IfcLengthMeasure'.lower())
919 conv_required = length_unit != ureg.meter
921 try:
922 sore = self.ifc.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement
923 # if sore.get_info()["InnerBoundaries"] is None:
924 shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, sore)
926 if sore.InnerBoundaries:
927 # shape = remove_inner_loops(shape) # todo: return None if not horizontal shape
928 # if not shape:
929 if self.bound_element.ifc.is_a(
930 'IfcWall'): # todo: remove this hotfix (generalize)
931 ifc_new = ifcopenshell.file()
932 temp_sore = ifc_new.create_entity('IfcCurveBoundedPlane',
933 OuterBoundary=sore.OuterBoundary,
934 BasisSurface=sore.BasisSurface)
935 temp_sore.InnerBoundaries = ()
936 shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, temp_sore)
937 else:
938 shape = remove_inner_loops(shape)
939 if not (sore.InnerBoundaries and not self.bound_element.ifc.is_a(
940 'IfcWall')):
941 faces = PyOCCTools.get_faces_from_shape(shape)
942 if len(faces) > 1:
943 unify = ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain()
944 unify.Initialize(shape)
945 unify.Build()
946 shape = unify.Shape()
947 faces = PyOCCTools.get_faces_from_shape(shape)
948 face = faces[0]
949 face = PyOCCTools.remove_coincident_and_collinear_points_from_face(
950 face)
951 shape = face
952 except:
953 try:
954 sore = self.ifc.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement
955 ifc_new = ifcopenshell.file()
956 temp_sore = ifc_new.create_entity('IfcCurveBoundedPlane',
957 OuterBoundary=sore.OuterBoundary,
958 BasisSurface=sore.BasisSurface)
959 temp_sore.InnerBoundaries = ()
960 shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, temp_sore)
961 except:
962 poly = self.ifc.ConnectionGeometry.SurfaceOnRelatingElement.OuterBoundary.Points
963 pnts = []
964 for p in poly:
965 p.Coordinates = (p.Coordinates[0], p.Coordinates[1], 0.0)
966 pnts.append((p.Coordinates[:]))
967 shape = PyOCCTools.make_faces_from_pnts(pnts)
968 shape = BRepLib_FuseEdges(shape).Shape()
970 if conv_required:
971 # scale newly created shape of space boundary to correct size
972 conv_factor = (1 * length_unit).to(
973 ureg.metre).m
974 shape = PyOCCTools.scale_shape(shape, conv_factor, gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0))
976 if self.ifc.RelatingSpace.ObjectPlacement:
977 lp = PyOCCTools.local_placement(
978 self.ifc.RelatingSpace.ObjectPlacement).tolist()
979 # transform newly created shape of space boundary to correct
980 # position if a unit conversion is required.
981 # todo: check if x-, y-coord of "vec" also need to be transformed.
982 if conv_required:
983 z_coord = lp[2][3] * length_unit
984 lp[2][3] =
985 mat = gp_Mat(lp[0][0], lp[0][1], lp[0][2], lp[1][0], lp[1][1],
986 lp[1][2], lp[2][0], lp[2][1], lp[2][2])
987 vec = gp_Vec(lp[0][3], lp[1][3], lp[2][3])
988 trsf = gp_Trsf()
989 trsf.SetTransformation(gp_Quaternion(mat), vec)
990 shape = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(shape, trsf).Shape()
992 # shape = shape.Reversed()
993 unify = ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain()
994 unify.Initialize(shape)
995 unify.Build()
996 shape = unify.Shape()
998 if self.bound_element is not None:
999 bi = self.bound_element
1000 if not hasattr(bi, "related_openings"):
1001 return shape
1002 if len(bi.related_openings) == 0:
1003 return shape
1004 shape = PyOCCTools.get_face_from_shape(shape)
1005 return shape
1007 def get_level_description(self, name) -> str:
1008 """
1009 This function returns the level description of the spaceboundary
1010 """
1011 return self.ifc.Description
1013 def _get_is_external(self, name) -> Union[None, bool]:
1014 """
1015 This function returns True if the spaceboundary is external
1016 """
1017 if self.ifc.InternalOrExternalBoundary is not None:
1018 ifc_ext_internal = self.ifc.InternalOrExternalBoundary.lower()
1019 if ifc_ext_internal == 'internal':
1020 return False
1021 elif 'external' in ifc_ext_internal:
1022 return True
1023 else:
1024 return None
1025 # return not self.ifc.InternalOrExternalBoundary.lower() == 'internal'
1027 def _get_opening_area(self, name):
1028 """
1029 This function returns the opening area of the spaceboundary
1030 """
1031 if self.opening_bounds:
1032 return sum(opening_boundary.bound_area for opening_boundary
1033 in self.opening_bounds)
1034 return 0
1036 def _get_net_bound_area(self, name):
1037 """
1038 This function returns the net bound area of the spaceboundary
1039 """
1040 return self.bound_area - self.opening_area
1042 is_external = attribute.Attribute(
1043 description="True if the Space Boundary is external",
1044 functions=[_get_is_external]
1045 )
1047 bound_shape = attribute.Attribute(
1048 description="Bound shape element of the SB.",
1049 functions=[_get_bound_shape]
1050 )
1052 top_bottom = attribute.Attribute(
1053 description="Info if the SB is top "
1054 "(ceiling etc.) or bottom (floor etc.).",
1055 functions=[_get_top_bottom]
1056 )
1058 bound_center = attribute.Attribute(
1059 description="The center of the space boundary.",
1060 functions=[_get_bound_center]
1061 )
1063 related_bound = attribute.Attribute(
1064 description="Related space boundary.",
1065 functions=[_get_related_bound]
1066 )
1068 physical = attribute.Attribute(
1069 description="If the Space Boundary is physical or not.",
1070 functions=[_get_is_physical]
1071 )
1073 opening_area = attribute.Attribute(
1074 description="Opening area of the Space Boundary.",
1075 functions = [_get_opening_area]
1076 )
1078 net_bound_area = attribute.Attribute(
1079 description="Net bound area of the Space Boundary",
1080 functions=[_get_net_bound_area]
1081 )
1083 def _get_bound_normal(self, name):
1084 """
1085 This function returns the normal vector of the spaceboundary
1086 """
1087 return PyOCCTools.simple_face_normal(self.bound_shape)
1089 bound_normal = attribute.Attribute(
1090 description="Normal vector of the Space Boundary.",
1091 functions=[_get_bound_normal]
1092 )
1094 level_description = attribute.Attribute(
1095 functions=[get_level_description],
1096 # Todo this should be removed in near future. We should either
1097 # find # a way to distinguish the level of SB by something
1098 # different or should check this during the creation of SBs
1099 # and throw an error if the level is not defined.
1100 default='2a'
1101 # HACK: Rou's Model has 2a boundaries but, the description is None,
1102 # default set to 2a to temporary solve this problem
1103 )
1105 internal_external_type = attribute.Attribute(
1106 description="Defines, whether the Space Boundary is internal"
1107 " (Internal), or external, i.e. adjacent to open space "
1108 "(that can be an partially enclosed space, such as terrace"
1109 " (External",
1110 ifc_attr_name="InternalOrExternalBoundary"
1111 )
1114class ExtSpatialSpaceBoundary(SpaceBoundary):
1115 """describes all space boundaries related to an IfcExternalSpatialElement instead of an IfcSpace"""
1116 pass
1119class SpaceBoundary2B(SpaceBoundary):
1120 """describes all newly created space boundaries of type 2b to fill gaps within spaces"""
1122 def __init__(self, *args, elements=None, **kwargs):
1123 super(SpaceBoundary2B, self).__init__(*args, elements=None, **kwargs)
1124 self.ifc = ifcopenshell.create_entity('IfcRelSpaceBoundary')
1125 self.guid = None
1126 self.bound_shape = None
1127 self.thermal_zones = []
1128 self.bound_element = None
1129 self.physical = True
1130 self.is_external = False
1131 self.related_bound = None
1132 self.related_adb_bound = None
1133 self.level_description = '2b'
1136class BPSProductWithLayers(BPSProduct):
1137 ifc_types = {}
1139 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1140 """BPSProductWithLayers __init__ function.
1142 Convention in bim2sim for layerset is layer 0 is inside,
1143 layer n is outside.
1144 """
1145 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1146 self.layerset = None
1148 def get_u_value(self, name):
1149 """wall get_u_value function"""
1150 layers_r = 0
1151 for layer in self.layerset.layers:
1152 if layer.thickness:
1153 if layer.material.thermal_conduc and \
1154 layer.material.thermal_conduc > 0:
1155 layers_r += layer.thickness / layer.material.thermal_conduc
1157 if layers_r > 0:
1158 return 1 / layers_r
1159 return None
1161 def get_thickness_by_layers(self, name):
1162 """calculate the total thickness of the product based on the thickness
1163 of each layer."""
1164 thickness = 0
1165 for layer in self.layerset.layers:
1166 if layer.thickness:
1167 thickness += layer.thickness
1168 return thickness
1171class Wall(BPSProductWithLayers):
1172 """Abstract wall class, only its subclasses Inner- and Outerwalls are used.
1174 Every element where self.is_external is not True, is an InnerWall.
1175 """
1176 ifc_types = {
1177 "IfcWall":
1180 "IfcWallStandardCase":
1183 # "IfcElementedCase": "?" # TODO
1184 }
1186 conditions = [
1187 condition.RangeCondition('u_value',
1188 0 * ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1189 5 * ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1190 critical_for_creation=False),
1191 condition.UValueCondition('u_value',
1192 threshold=0.2,
1193 critical_for_creation=False),
1194 ]
1196 pattern_ifc_type = [
1197 re.compile('Wall', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
1198 re.compile('Wand', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
1199 ]
1201 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1202 """wall __init__ function"""
1203 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1205 def get_better_subclass(self):
1206 return OuterWall if self.is_external else InnerWall
1208 net_area = attribute.Attribute(
1209 default_ps=("Qto_WallBaseQuantities", "NetSideArea"),
1210 functions=[BPSProduct.get_net_bound_area],
1211 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1212 )
1214 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
1215 default_ps=("Qto_WallBaseQuantities", "GrossSideArea"),
1216 functions=[BPSProduct.get_bound_area],
1217 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1218 )
1220 tilt = attribute.Attribute(
1221 default=90
1222 )
1224 u_value = attribute.Attribute(
1225 default_ps=("Pset_WallCommon", "ThermalTransmittance"),
1226 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1227 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_u_value],
1228 )
1230 width = attribute.Attribute(
1231 default_ps=("Qto_WallBaseQuantities", "Width"),
1232 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_thickness_by_layers],
1233 unit=ureg.m
1234 )
1236 inner_convection = attribute.Attribute(
1237 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1238 default=0.6
1239 )
1241 is_load_bearing = attribute.Attribute(
1242 default_ps=("Pset_WallCommon", "LoadBearing"),
1243 )
1245 net_volume = attribute.Attribute(
1246 default_ps=("Qto_WallBaseQuantities", "NetVolume"),
1247 unit=ureg.meter ** 3
1248 )
1250 gross_volume = attribute.Attribute(
1251 default_ps=("Qto_WallBaseQuantities", "GrossVolume")
1252 )
1255class Layer(BPSProduct):
1256 """Represents the IfcMaterialLayer class."""
1257 ifc_types = {
1258 "IfcMaterialLayer": ["*"],
1259 }
1260 guid_prefix = "Layer_"
1262 conditions = [
1263 condition.RangeCondition('thickness',
1264 0 * ureg.m,
1265 10 * ureg.m,
1266 critical_for_creation=False, incl_edges=False)
1267 ]
1269 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1270 """layer __init__ function"""
1271 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1272 self.to_layerset: List[LayerSet] = []
1273 self.parent = None
1274 self.material = None
1276 @staticmethod
1277 def get_id(prefix=""):
1278 prefix_length = len(prefix)
1279 if prefix_length > 10:
1280 raise AttributeError("Max prefix length is 10!")
1281 ifcopenshell_guid =[prefix_length + 1:]
1282 return f"{prefix}{ifcopenshell_guid}"
1284 @classmethod
1285 def pre_validate(cls, ifc) -> bool:
1286 return True
1288 def validate_creation(self) -> bool:
1289 return True
1291 def _get_thickness(self, name):
1292 """layer thickness function"""
1293 if hasattr(self.ifc, 'LayerThickness'):
1294 return self.ifc.LayerThickness * ureg.meter
1295 else:
1296 return float('nan') * ureg.meter
1298 thickness = attribute.Attribute(
1299 unit=ureg.m,
1300 functions=[_get_thickness]
1301 )
1303 is_ventilated = attribute.Attribute(
1304 description="Indication of whether the material layer represents an "
1305 "air layer (or cavity).",
1306 ifc_attr_name="IsVentilated",
1307 )
1309 description = attribute.Attribute(
1310 description="Definition of the material layer in more descriptive "
1311 "terms than given by attributes Name or Category.",
1312 ifc_attr_name="Description",
1313 )
1315 category = attribute.Attribute(
1316 description="Category of the material layer, e.g. the role it has in"
1317 " the layer set it belongs to (such as 'load bearing', "
1318 "'thermal insulation' etc.). The list of keywords might be"
1319 " extended by model view definitions, however the "
1320 "following keywords shall apply in general:",
1321 ifc_attr_name="Category",
1322 )
1324 def __repr__(self):
1325 return "<%s (material: %s>" \
1326 % (self.__class__.__name__, self.material)
1329class LayerSet(BPSProduct):
1330 """Represents a Layerset in bim2sim.
1332 Convention in bim2sim for layerset is layer 0 is inside,
1333 layer n is outside.
1335 # TODO: when not enriching we currently don't check layer orientation.
1336 """
1338 ifc_types = {
1339 "IfcMaterialLayerSet": ["*"],
1340 }
1342 guid_prefix = "LayerSet_"
1343 conditions = [
1344 condition.ListCondition('layers',
1345 critical_for_creation=False),
1346 condition.ThicknessCondition('total_thickness',
1347 threshold=0.2,
1348 critical_for_creation=False),
1349 ]
1351 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1352 """layerset __init__ function"""
1353 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1354 self.parents: List[BPSProductWithLayers] = []
1355 self.layers: List[Layer] = []
1357 @staticmethod
1358 def get_id(prefix=""):
1359 prefix_length = len(prefix)
1360 if prefix_length > 10:
1361 raise AttributeError("Max prefix length is 10!")
1362 ifcopenshell_guid =[prefix_length + 1:]
1363 return f"{prefix}{ifcopenshell_guid}"
1365 def get_total_thickness(self, name):
1366 if hasattr(self.ifc, 'TotalThickness'):
1367 if self.ifc.TotalThickness:
1368 return self.ifc.TotalThickness * ureg.m
1369 return sum(layer.thickness for layer in self.layers)
1371 def _get_volume(self, name):
1372 if hasattr(self, "net_volume"):
1373 if self.net_volume:
1374 vol = self.net_volume
1375 return vol
1376 # TODO This is not working currently, because with multiple parents
1377 # we dont know the area or width of the parent
1378 # elif self.parent.width:
1379 # vol = self.parent.volume * self.parent.width / self.thickness
1380 else:
1381 vol = float('nan') * ureg.meter ** 3
1382 # TODO see above
1383 # elif self.parent.width:
1384 # vol = self.parent.volume * self.parent.width / self.thickness
1385 else:
1386 vol = float('nan') * ureg.meter ** 3
1387 return vol
1389 thickness = attribute.Attribute(
1390 unit=ureg.m,
1391 functions=[get_total_thickness],
1392 )
1394 name = attribute.Attribute(
1395 description="The name by which the IfcMaterialLayerSet is known.",
1396 ifc_attr_name="LayerSetName",
1397 )
1399 volume = attribute.Attribute(
1400 description="Volume of layer set",
1401 functions=[_get_volume],
1402 )
1404 def __repr__(self):
1405 if
1406 return "<%s (name: %s, layers: %d)>" \
1407 % (self.__class__.__name__,, len(self.layers))
1408 else:
1409 return "<%s (layers: %d)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self.layers))
1412class OuterWall(Wall):
1413 ifc_types = {}
1415 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1416 """Calc cost group for OuterWall
1418 Load bearing outer walls: 331
1419 Not load bearing outer walls: 332
1420 Rest: 330
1421 """
1423 if self.is_load_bearing:
1424 return 331
1425 elif not self.is_load_bearing:
1426 return 332
1427 else:
1428 return 330
1431class InnerWall(Wall):
1432 """InnerWalls are assumed to be always symmetric."""
1433 ifc_types = {}
1435 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1436 """Calc cost group for InnerWall
1438 Load bearing inner walls: 341
1439 Not load bearing inner walls: 342
1440 Rest: 340
1441 """
1443 if self.is_load_bearing:
1444 return 341
1445 elif not self.is_load_bearing:
1446 return 342
1447 else:
1448 return 340
1451class Window(BPSProductWithLayers):
1452 ifc_types = {"IfcWindow": ['*', 'WINDOW', 'SKYLIGHT', 'LIGHTDOME']}
1454 pattern_ifc_type = [
1455 re.compile('Window', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
1456 re.compile('Fenster', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
1457 ]
1459 def get_glazing_area(self, name):
1460 """returns only the glazing area of the windows"""
1461 if self.glazing_ratio:
1462 return self.gross_area * self.glazing_ratio
1463 return self.opening_area
1465 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1466 """Calc cost group for Windows
1468 Outer door: 334
1469 """
1471 return 334
1473 net_area = attribute.Attribute(
1474 functions=[get_glazing_area],
1475 unit=ureg.meter ** 2,
1476 )
1478 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
1479 default_ps=("Qto_WindowBaseQuantities", "Area"),
1480 functions=[BPSProduct.get_bound_area],
1481 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1482 )
1484 glazing_ratio = attribute.Attribute(
1485 default_ps=("Pset_WindowCommon", "GlazingAreaFraction"),
1486 )
1488 width = attribute.Attribute(
1489 default_ps=("Qto_WindowBaseQuantities", "Depth"),
1490 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_thickness_by_layers],
1491 unit=ureg.m
1492 )
1493 u_value = attribute.Attribute(
1494 default_ps=("Pset_WallCommon", "ThermalTransmittance"),
1495 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1496 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_u_value],
1497 )
1499 g_value = attribute.Attribute( # material
1500 )
1502 a_conv = attribute.Attribute(
1503 )
1505 shading_g_total = attribute.Attribute(
1506 )
1508 shading_max_irr = attribute.Attribute(
1509 )
1511 inner_convection = attribute.Attribute(
1512 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1513 )
1515 inner_radiation = attribute.Attribute(
1516 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1517 )
1519 outer_radiation = attribute.Attribute(
1520 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1521 )
1523 outer_convection = attribute.Attribute(
1524 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1525 )
1528class Door(BPSProductWithLayers):
1529 ifc_types = {"IfcDoor": ['*', 'DOOR', 'GATE', 'TRAPDOOR']}
1531 pattern_ifc_type = [
1532 re.compile('Door', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
1533 re.compile('Tuer', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
1534 ]
1536 conditions = [
1537 condition.RangeCondition('glazing_ratio',
1538 0 * ureg.dimensionless,
1539 1 * ureg.dimensionless, True,
1540 critical_for_creation=False),
1541 ]
1543 def get_better_subclass(self):
1544 return OuterDoor if self.is_external else InnerDoor
1546 def get_net_area(self, name):
1547 if self.glazing_ratio:
1548 return self.gross_area * (1 - self.glazing_ratio)
1549 return self.gross_area - self.opening_area
1551 net_area = attribute.Attribute(
1552 functions=[get_net_area, ],
1553 unit=ureg.meter ** 2,
1554 )
1556 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
1557 default_ps=("Qto_DoorBaseQuantities", "Area"),
1558 functions=[BPSProduct.get_bound_area],
1559 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1560 )
1562 glazing_ratio = attribute.Attribute(
1563 default_ps=("Pset_DoorCommon", "GlazingAreaFraction"),
1564 )
1566 width = attribute.Attribute(
1567 default_ps=("Qto_DoorBaseQuantities", "Width"),
1568 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_thickness_by_layers],
1569 unit=ureg.m
1570 )
1572 u_value = attribute.Attribute(
1573 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1574 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_u_value],
1575 )
1577 inner_convection = attribute.Attribute(
1578 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1579 default=0.6
1580 )
1582 inner_radiation = attribute.Attribute(
1583 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1584 )
1586 outer_radiation = attribute.Attribute(
1587 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1588 )
1590 outer_convection = attribute.Attribute(
1591 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1592 )
1595class InnerDoor(Door):
1596 ifc_types = {}
1598 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1599 """Calc cost group for Innerdoors
1601 Inner door: 344
1602 """
1604 return 344
1607class OuterDoor(Door):
1608 ifc_types = {}
1610 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1611 """Calc cost group for Outerdoors
1613 Outer door: 334
1614 """
1616 return 334
1619class Slab(BPSProductWithLayers):
1620 ifc_types = {
1621 "IfcSlab": ['*', 'LANDING']
1622 }
1624 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1625 """slab __init__ function"""
1626 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1628 def _calc_teaser_orientation(self, name) -> int:
1629 """Returns the orientation of the slab in TEASER convention."""
1630 return -1
1632 net_area = attribute.Attribute(
1633 default_ps=("Qto_SlabBaseQuantities", "NetArea"),
1634 functions=[BPSProduct.get_net_bound_area],
1635 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1636 )
1638 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
1639 default_ps=("Qto_SlabBaseQuantities", "GrossArea"),
1640 functions=[BPSProduct.get_bound_area],
1641 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1642 )
1644 width = attribute.Attribute(
1645 default_ps=("Qto_SlabBaseQuantities", "Width"),
1646 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_thickness_by_layers],
1647 unit=ureg.m
1648 )
1650 u_value = attribute.Attribute(
1651 default_ps=("Pset_SlabCommon", "ThermalTransmittance"),
1652 unit=ureg.W / ureg.K / ureg.meter ** 2,
1653 functions=[BPSProductWithLayers.get_u_value],
1654 )
1656 net_volume = attribute.Attribute(
1657 default_ps=("Qto_SlabBaseQuantities", "NetVolume"),
1658 unit=ureg.meter ** 3
1659 )
1661 is_load_bearing = attribute.Attribute(
1662 default_ps=("Pset_SlabCommon", "LoadBearing"),
1663 )
1666class Roof(Slab):
1667 # todo decomposed roofs dont have materials, layers etc. because these
1668 # information are stored in the slab itself and not the decomposition
1669 # is_external = True
1670 ifc_types = {
1671 "IfcRoof":
1676 "IfcSlab": ['ROOF']
1677 }
1679 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1680 """Calc cost group for Roofs
1683 Load bearing: 361
1684 Not load bearing: 363
1685 """
1686 if self.is_load_bearing:
1687 return 361
1688 elif not self.is_load_bearing:
1689 return 363
1690 else:
1691 return 300
1694class InnerFloor(Slab):
1695 """In bim2sim we handle all inner slabs as floors/inner floors.
1697 Orientation of layerset is layer 0 is inside (floor surface of this room),
1698 layer n is outside (ceiling surface of room below).
1699 """
1700 ifc_types = {
1701 "IfcSlab": ['FLOOR']
1702 }
1704 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1705 """Calc cost group for Floors
1707 Floor: 351
1708 """
1709 return 351
1712class GroundFloor(Slab):
1713 # is_external = True # todo to be removed
1714 ifc_types = {
1715 "IfcSlab": ['BASESLAB']
1716 }
1718 def _calc_teaser_orientation(self, name) -> int:
1719 """Returns the orientation of the groundfloor in TEASER convention."""
1720 return -2
1722 def calc_cost_group(self) -> int:
1723 """Calc cost group for groundfloors
1725 groundfloors: 322
1726 """
1728 return 322
1731 # pattern_ifc_type = [
1732 # re.compile('Bodenplatte', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
1733 # re.compile('')
1734 # ]
1737class Site(BPSProduct):
1738 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1739 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1740 del self.building
1741 self.buildings = []
1743 # todo move this to base elements as this relevant for other domains as well
1744 ifc_types = {"IfcSite": ['*']}
1746 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
1747 default_ps=("Qto_SiteBaseQuantities", "GrossArea"),
1748 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1749 )
1751 location_latitude = attribute.Attribute(
1752 ifc_attr_name="RefLatitude",
1753 )
1755 location_longitude = attribute.Attribute(
1756 ifc_attr_name="RefLongitude"
1757 )
1760class Building(BPSProduct):
1761 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1762 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1763 self.thermal_zones = []
1764 self.storeys = []
1765 self.elements = []
1767 ifc_types = {"IfcBuilding": ['*']}
1768 from_ifc_domains = [IFCDomain.arch]
1770 conditions = [
1771 condition.RangeCondition('year_of_construction',
1772 1900 * ureg.year,
1773 * ureg.year,
1774 critical_for_creation=False),
1775 ]
1777 def _get_building_name(self, name):
1778 """get building name"""
1779 bldg_name = self.get_ifc_attribute('Name')
1780 if bldg_name:
1781 return bldg_name
1782 else:
1783 # todo needs to be adjusted for multiple buildings #165
1784 bldg_name = 'Building'
1785 return bldg_name
1787 def _get_number_of_storeys(self, name):
1788 return len(self.storeys)
1790 def _get_avg_storey_height(self, name):
1791 """Calculates the average height of all storeys."""
1792 storey_height_sum = 0
1793 avg_height = None
1794 if hasattr(self, "storeys"):
1795 if len(self.storeys) > 0:
1796 for storey in self.storeys:
1797 if storey.height:
1798 height = storey.height
1799 elif storey.gross_height:
1800 height = storey.gross_height
1801 elif storey.net_height:
1802 height = storey.net_height
1803 else:
1804 height = None
1805 if height:
1806 storey_height_sum += height
1807 avg_height = storey_height_sum / len(self.storeys)
1808 return avg_height
1810 def _check_tz_ahu(self, name):
1811 """Check if any TZs have AHU, then the building has one as well."""
1812 with_ahu = False
1813 for tz in self.thermal_zones:
1814 if tz.with_ahu:
1815 with_ahu = True
1816 break
1817 return with_ahu
1819 bldg_name = attribute.Attribute(
1820 functions=[_get_building_name],
1821 )
1823 year_of_construction = attribute.Attribute(
1824 default_ps=("Pset_BuildingCommon", "YearOfConstruction"),
1825 unit=ureg.year
1826 )
1828 gross_area = attribute.Attribute(
1829 default_ps=("Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities", "GrossFloorArea"),
1830 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1831 )
1833 net_area = attribute.Attribute(
1834 default_ps=("Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities", "NetFloorArea"),
1835 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1836 )
1838 number_of_storeys = attribute.Attribute(
1839 unit=ureg.dimensionless,
1840 functions=[_get_number_of_storeys]
1841 )
1843 occupancy_type = attribute.Attribute(
1844 default_ps=("Pset_BuildingCommon", "OccupancyType"),
1845 )
1847 avg_storey_height = attribute.Attribute(
1848 unit=ureg.meter,
1849 functions=[_get_avg_storey_height]
1850 )
1852 with_ahu = attribute.Attribute(
1853 functions=[_check_tz_ahu]
1854 )
1856 ahu_heating = attribute.Attribute(
1857 attr_type=bool
1858 )
1860 ahu_cooling = attribute.Attribute(
1861 attr_type=bool
1862 )
1864 ahu_dehumidification = attribute.Attribute(
1865 attr_type=bool
1866 )
1868 ahu_humidification = attribute.Attribute(
1869 attr_type=bool
1870 )
1872 ahu_heat_recovery = attribute.Attribute(
1873 attr_type=bool
1874 )
1876 ahu_heat_recovery_efficiency = attribute.Attribute(
1877 )
1880class Storey(BPSProduct):
1881 ifc_types = {'IfcBuildingStorey': ['*']}
1882 from_ifc_domains = [IFCDomain.arch]
1884 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
1885 """storey __init__ function"""
1886 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
1887 self.elements = []
1889 spec_machines_internal_load = attribute.Attribute(
1890 default_ps=("Pset_ThermalLoadDesignCriteria",
1891 "ReceptacleLoadIntensity"),
1892 unit=ureg.kilowatt / (ureg.meter ** 2)
1893 )
1895 spec_lighting_internal_load = attribute.Attribute(
1896 default_ps=("Pset_ThermalLoadDesignCriteria", "LightingLoadIntensity"),
1897 unit=ureg.kilowatt / (ureg.meter ** 2)
1898 )
1900 cooling_load = attribute.Attribute(
1901 default_ps=("Pset_ThermalLoadAggregate", "TotalCoolingLoad"),
1902 unit=ureg.kilowatt
1903 )
1905 heating_load = attribute.Attribute(
1906 default_ps=("Pset_ThermalLoadAggregate", "TotalHeatingLoad"),
1907 unit=ureg.kilowatt
1908 )
1910 air_per_person = attribute.Attribute(
1911 default_ps=("Pset_ThermalLoadDesignCriteria", "OutsideAirPerPerson"),
1912 unit=ureg.meter ** 3 / ureg.hour
1913 )
1915 percent_load_to_radiant = attribute.Attribute(
1916 default_ps=("Pset_ThermalLoadDesignCriteria",
1917 "AppliancePercentLoadToRadiant"),
1918 unit=ureg.percent
1919 )
1921 gross_floor_area = attribute.Attribute(
1922 default_ps=("Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities", "GrossFloorArea"),
1923 unit=ureg.meter ** 2
1924 )
1926 # todo make the lookup for height hierarchical
1927 net_height = attribute.Attribute(
1928 default_ps=("Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities", "NetHeight"),
1929 unit=ureg.meter
1930 )
1932 gross_height = attribute.Attribute(
1933 default_ps=("Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities", "GrossHeight"),
1934 unit=ureg.meter
1935 )
1937 height = attribute.Attribute(
1938 default_ps=("Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities", "Height"),
1939 unit=ureg.meter
1940 )
1943class SpaceBoundaryRepresentation(BPSProduct):
1944 """describes the geometric representation of space boundaries which are
1945 created by the webtool to allow the """
1946 ifc_types = {
1949 }
1950 pattern_ifc_type = [
1951 re.compile('ProxyBound', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
1952 ]
1955# collect all domain classes
1956items: Set[BPSProduct] = set()
1957for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(
1958 sys.modules[__name__],
1959 lambda member: inspect.isclass(member) # class at all
1960 and issubclass(member, BPSProduct) # domain subclass
1961 and member is not BPSProduct # but not base class
1962 and member.__module__ == __name__): # declared here
1963 items.add(cls)