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1"""Decision system.
3This package contains:
4 - class Decision (and child classes) for representing decisions
5 - class DecisionBunch for handling collections of Decision elements
6 - class DecisionHandler to handle decisions
7 - functions save() and load() to save to file system
10from importlib.metadata import version
11import enum
12import hashlib
13import json
14import logging
15from collections import Counter
16from typing import Iterable, Callable, List, Dict, Any, Tuple, Union
18import pint
20from bim2sim.elements.mapping.units import ureg
21logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
24class DecisionException(Exception):
25 """Base Exception for Decisions"""
28class DecisionSkip(DecisionException):
29 """Exception raised on skipping Decision"""
32class DecisionSkipAll(DecisionException):
33 """Exception raised on skipping all Decisions"""
36class DecisionCancel(DecisionException):
37 """Exception raised on canceling Decisions"""
40class PendingDecisionError(DecisionException):
41 """Exception for unsolved Decisions"""
44class Status(enum.Enum):
45 """Enum for status of Decision"""
46 pending = 1 # decision not yet made
47 ok = 2 # decision made
48 skipped = 5 # decision was skipped
49 error = 6 # invalid answer
52def convert_0_to_0_1(data):
53 converted_data = {
54 'version': '0.1',
55 'checksum_ifc': None,
56 'decisions': {decision: {'value': value} for decision, value in data.items()}
57 }
58 return converted_data
61def convert(from_version, to_version, data):
62 """convert stored decisions to new version"""
63 if from_version == '0' and to_version == '0.1':
64 return convert_0_to_0_1(data)
67class Decision:
68 """A question and a value which should be set to answer the question.
70 Args:
71 question: The question asked to the user
72 console_identifier: Additional information to identify related in
73 console
74 validate_func: callable to validate the users input
75 key: key is used by DecisionBunch to create answer dict
76 global_key: unique key to identify decision. Required for saving
77 allow_skip: set to True to allow skipping the decision and user None as
78 value
79 validate_checksum: if provided, loaded decisions are only valid if
80 checksum matches
81 related: iterable of GUIDs this decision is related to (frontend)
82 context: iterable of GUIDs for additional context to this decision
83 (frontend)
84 default: default answer
85 group: group of decisions this decision belongs to
86 representative_global_keys: list of global keys of elements that this
87 decision also has the answer for
89 Example:
90 >>> decision = Decision("How much is the fish?", allow_skip=True)
92 # the following is usually done by child classes. Here it's a hack to make plain Decisions work
93 >>> decision._validate = lambda value: True
95 >>> decision.value # will raise ValueError
96 Traceback (most recent call last):
97 ValueError: Can't get value from invalid decision.
98 >>> decision.value = 10 # ok
99 >>> decision.value
100 10
101 >>> decision.freeze() # decision cant be changed afterwards
102 >>> decision.value = 12 # value cant be changed, will raise AssertionError
103 Traceback (most recent call last):
104 AssertionError: Can't change value of frozen decision
105 >>> decision.freeze(False) # unfreeze decision
106 >>> decision.reset() # reset to initial state
107 >>> decision.skip() # set value to None, only works if allow_skip flag set
108 """
110 SKIP = "skip"
111 SKIPALL = "skip all"
112 CANCEL = "cancel"
113 options = [SKIP, SKIPALL, CANCEL]
115 def __init__(self, question: str, console_identifier: str = None,
116 validate_func: Callable = None,
117 key: str = None, global_key: str = None,
118 allow_skip=False, validate_checksum=None,
119 related: List[str] = None, context: List[str] = None,
120 default=None, group: str = None,
121 representative_global_keys: list = None):
123 self.status = Status.pending
124 self._frozen = False
125 self._value = None
127 self.question = question
128 self.console_identifier = console_identifier
129 self.validate_func = validate_func
130 self.default = None
131 if default is not None:
132 if self.validate(default):
133 self.default = default
134 else:
135 logger.warning("Invalid default value (%s) for %s: %s",
136 default, self.__class__.__name__, self.question)
138 self.key = key
139 self.global_key = global_key
141 self.allow_skip = allow_skip
142 self.allow_save_load = bool(global_key)
144 self.validate_checksum = validate_checksum
146 self.related = related
147 self.context = context
149 = group
150 self.representative_global_keys = representative_global_keys
152 @property
153 def value(self):
154 """Answer value of decision.
156 Raises:
157 ValueError: On accessing the value before it is set or by setting an invalid value
158 AssertionError: By changing a frozen Decision
159 """
160 if self.valid():
161 return self._value
162 else:
163 raise ValueError("Can't get value from invalid decision.")
165 @value.setter
166 def value(self, value):
167 if self._frozen:
168 raise AssertionError("Can't change value of frozen decision")
169 # if self.status != Status.pending:
170 # raise ValueError("Decision is not pending. Call reset() first.")
171 _value = self.convert(value)
172 if _value is None:
173 self.skip()
174 elif self.validate(_value):
175 self._value = _value
176 self.status = Status.ok
177 else:
178 raise ValueError("Invalid value: %r for %s" % (value, self.question))
180 def reset(self):
181 """Reset the Decision to it's initial state.
183 Raises:
184 AssertionError: if Decision is frozen
185 """
186 if self._frozen:
187 raise AssertionError("Can't change frozen decision")
188 self.status = Status.pending
189 self._value = None
191 def freeze(self, freeze=True):
192 """Freeze this Decision to prevent further manipulation.
194 Args:
195 freeze: the freeze state
197 Raises:
198 AssertionError: If the Decision is currently pending
199 """
200 if self.status == Status.pending and freeze:
201 raise AssertionError(
202 "Can't freeze pending decision. Set valid value first.")
203 self._frozen = freeze
205 def skip(self):
206 """Set value to None und mark as solved."""
207 if not self.allow_skip:
208 raise DecisionException("This Decision can not be skipped.")
209 if self._frozen:
210 raise DecisionException("Can't change frozen decision.")
211 if self.status != Status.pending:
212 raise DecisionException(
213 "This Decision is not pending. Call reset() first.")
214 self._value = None
215 self.status = Status.skipped
217 @staticmethod
218 def build_checksum(item):
219 """Create checksum for item."""
220 return hashlib.md5(json.dumps(item, sort_keys=True)
221 .encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
223 def convert(self, value):
224 """Convert value to inner type."""
225 return value
227 def _validate(self, value):
228 raise NotImplementedError("Implement method _validate!")
230 def validate(self, value) -> bool:
231 """Checks value with validate_func and returns truth value."""
232 _value = self.convert(value)
233 basic_valid = self._validate(_value)
235 if self.validate_func:
236 if type(self.validate_func) is not list:
237 self.validate_func = [self.validate_func]
238 check_list = []
239 for fnc in self.validate_func:
240 try:
241 check_list.append(bool(fnc(_value)))
242 except:
243 check_list.append(False)
244 external_valid = all(check_list)
245 else:
246 external_valid = True
248 return basic_valid and external_valid
250 def valid(self) -> bool:
251 """Check if Decision is valid."""
252 return self.status == Status.ok \
253 or (self.status == Status.skipped and self.allow_skip)
255 def reset_from_deserialized(self, kwargs):
256 """Reset decision from its serialized form."""
257 value = kwargs['value']
258 checksum = kwargs.get('checksum')
259 if value is None:
260 return
261 valid = False
262 if self.validate_func:
263 if type(self.validate_func) is not list:
264 self.validate_func = [self.validate_func]
265 check_list = []
266 for fnc in self.validate_func:
267 check_list.append(bool(fnc(value)))
268 valid = all(check_list)
269 if (not self.validate_func) or valid:
270 if checksum == self.validate_checksum:
271 self.value = self.deserialize_value(value)
272 self.status = Status.ok
273"Loaded decision '%s' with value: %s", self.global_key, value)
274 else:
275 logger.warning("Checksum mismatch for loaded decision '%s", self.global_key)
276 else:
277 logger.warning("Check for loaded decision '%s' failed. Loaded value: %s",
278 self.global_key, value)
280 def serialize_value(self):
281 """Return JSON serializable value."""
282 return {'value': self.value}
284 def deserialize_value(self, value):
285 """rebuild value from json deserialized object"""
286 return value
288 def get_serializable(self):
289 """Returns json serializable object representing state of decision"""
290 kwargs = self.serialize_value()
291 if self.validate_checksum:
292 kwargs['checksum'] = self.validate_checksum
293 return kwargs
295 def get_options(self):
296 """Get all available options."""
297 options = [Decision.CANCEL]
298 if self.allow_skip:
299 options.append(Decision.SKIP)
301 return options
303 def get_question(self) -> str:
304 """Get the question."""
305 return self.question
307 def get_body(self):
308 """Returns list of tuples representing items of CollectionDecision else None"""
309 return None
311 def __repr__(self):
312 value = str(self.value) if self.status == Status.ok else '???'
313 return '<%s (<%s> Q: "%s" A: %s)>' % (
314 self.__class__.__name__, self.status, self.question, value)
317class RealDecision(Decision):
318 """Accepts input of type real.
320 Args:
321 unit: the unit of the Decisions value
322 """
324 def __init__(self, *args, unit: pint.Quantity = None, **kwargs):
325 self.unit = unit if unit else ureg.dimensionless
326 default = kwargs.get('default')
327 if default is not None and not isinstance(default, pint.Quantity):
328 kwargs['default'] = default * self.unit
329 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
331 def convert(self, value):
332 if not isinstance(value, pint.Quantity):
333 try:
334 return value * self.unit
335 except:
336 pass
337 return value
339 def _validate(self, value):
340 if isinstance(value, pint.Quantity):
341 try:
342 float(value.m)
343 except:
344 pass
345 else:
346 return True
347 return False
349 def get_question(self):
350 return "{} in [{}]".format(self.question, self.unit)
352 def get_body(self):
353 return {'unit': str(self.unit)}
355 def get_debug_answer(self):
356 answer = super().get_debug_answer()
357 if isinstance(answer, pint.Quantity):
358 return
359 return answer * self.unit
361 def serialize_value(self):
362 kwargs = {
363 'value': self.value.magnitude,
364 'unit': str(self.value.units)
365 }
366 return kwargs
368 def reset_from_deserialized(self, kwargs):
369 kwargs['value'] = kwargs['value'] * ureg[kwargs.pop('unit', str(self.unit))]
370 super().reset_from_deserialized(kwargs)
373class BoolDecision(Decision):
374 """Accepts input convertable as bool"""
376 POSITIVES = ("y", "yes", "ja", "j", "1")
377 NEGATIVES = ("n", "no", "nein", "n", "0")
379 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
380 super().__init__(*args, validate_func=None, **kwargs)
382 @staticmethod
383 def _validate(value):
384 """validates if value is acceptable as bool"""
385 return value is True or value is False
388class ListDecision(Decision):
389 """Accepts index of list element as input.
391 Args:
392 choices: a list of values where str(value) is used for labels or a list of (value, label) tuples
393 live_search:
395 """
397 def __init__(self, *args, choices:List[Union[Any, Tuple[Any, str]]], live_search=False, **kwargs):
398 if not choices:
399 raise AttributeError("choices must hold at least one item")
400 if hasattr(choices[0], '__len__') and len(choices[0]) == 2:
401 self.items = [choice[0] for choice in choices]
402 self.labels = [str(choice[1]) for choice in choices]
403 else:
404 self.items = choices
405 # self.labels = [str(choice) for choice in self.items]
407 self.live_search = live_search
408 super().__init__(*args, validate_func=None, **kwargs)
410 if len(self.items) == 1:
411 if not self.status != Status.pending:
412 # set only item as default
413 if self.default is None:
414 self.default = self.items[0]
416 @property
417 def choices(self):
418 """Available choices for the Decision."""
419 if hasattr(self, 'labels'):
420 return zip(self.items, self.labels)
421 else:
422 return self.items
424 def _validate(self, value):
425 pass # _validate not required. see validate
427 def validate(self, value):
428 return value in self.items
430 def get_body(self):
431 body = []
432 for i, item in enumerate(self.choices):
433 if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)) and len(item) == 2:
434 # label provided
435 body.append((i, *item))
436 else:
437 # no label provided
438 body.append((i, item, ' '))
439 return body
442class StringDecision(Decision):
443 """Accepts string input"""
445 def __init__(self, *args, min_length=1, **kwargs):
446 self.min_length = min_length
447 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
449 def _validate(self, value):
450 return isinstance(value, str) and len(value) >= self.min_length
453class GuidDecision(Decision):
454 """Accepts GUID(s) as input. Value is a set of GUID(s)"""
456 def __init__(self, *args, multi=False, **kwargs):
457 self.multi = multi
458 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
460 def _validate(self, value):
461 if isinstance(value, set) and value:
462 if not self.multi and len(value) != 1:
463 return False
464 return all(isinstance(guid, str) and len(guid) == 22 for guid in value)
465 return False
467 def serialize_value(self):
468 return {'value': list(self.value)}
470 def deserialize_value(self, value):
471 return set(value)
474class DecisionBunch(list):
475 """Collection of decisions."""
477 def __init__(self, decisions: Iterable[Decision] = ()):
478 super().__init__(decisions)
480 def valid(self) -> bool:
481 """Check status of all decisions."""
482 return all(decision.status in (Status.ok, Status.skipped)
483 for decision in self)
485 def to_answer_dict(self) -> Dict[Any, Decision]:
486 """Create dict from DecisionBunch using decision.key."""
487 return {decision.key: decision.value for decision in self}
489 def to_serializable(self) -> dict:
490 """Create JSON serializable dict of decisions."""
491 decisions = {decision.global_key: decision.get_serializable()
492 for decision in self}
493 return decisions
495 def validate_global_keys(self):
496 """Check if all global keys are unique.
498 :raises: AssertionError on bad keys."""
499 # mapping = {decision.global_key: decision for decision in self}
500 count = Counter(item.global_key for item in self if item.global_key)
501 duplicates = {decision for (decision, v) in count.items() if v > 1}
503 if duplicates:
504 raise AssertionError("Following global keys are not unique: %s",
505 duplicates)
507 def get_reduced_bunch(self, criteria: str = 'key'):
508 """Reduces the decisions to one decision per unique key.
510 To reduce the number of decisions in some cases the same answer can be
511 used for multiple decisions. This method allows to reduce the number
512 of decisions based on a given criteria.
514 Args:
515 criteria: criteria based on which the decisions should be reduced.
516 Possible are 'key' and 'question'.
517 Returns:
518 unique_decisions: A DecisionBunch with only unique decisions based
519 on criteria
520 """
521 pos_criteria = ['key', 'question']
522 if criteria not in pos_criteria:
523 raise NotImplementedError(f'Pick one of these valid options:'
524 f' {pos_criteria}')
525 unique_decisions = DecisionBunch()
526 doubled_decisions = DecisionBunch()
527 existing_criteria = []
528 for decision in self:
529 cur_key = getattr(decision, criteria)
530 if cur_key not in existing_criteria:
531 unique_decisions.append(decision)
532 existing_criteria.append(cur_key)
533 else:
534 doubled_decisions.append(decision)
536 return unique_decisions, doubled_decisions
539def save(bunch: DecisionBunch, path):
540 """Save solved Decisions to file system"""
542 decisions = bunch.to_serializable()
543 data = {
544 'version': version("bim2sim"),
545 'checksum_ifc': None,
546 'decisions': decisions,
547 }
548 with open(path, "w") as file:
549 json.dump(data, file, indent=2)
550"Saved %d decisions.", len(bunch))
553def load(path) -> Dict[str, Any]:
554 """Load previously solved Decisions from file system."""
556 try:
557 with open(path, "r") as file:
558 data = json.load(file)
559 except IOError as ex:
560"Unable to load decisions. "
561 f"No Existing decisions found at {ex.filename}")
562 return {}
563 cur_version = data.get('version', '0')
564 if cur_version != version("bim2sim"):
565 try:
566 data = convert(cur_version, version("bim2sim"), data)
567"Converted stored decisions from version '%s' to '%s'",
568 cur_version, version("bim2sim"))
569 except:
570 logger.error("Decision conversion from %s to %s failed")
571 return {}
572 decisions = data.get('decisions')
573"Found %d previous made decisions.", len(decisions or []))
574 return decisions